library of heavens 1287 - 1292 || number zero

 Chapter 1287: - Ancient Sage indrajit 

The very reason why he came to the Sanctum of Sages was to seek Pratyusha and free her from the engagement with the shen kabila so that he could be with her… He had put in so much effort to come this far, and he was currently just a step away from meeting her, so how could he not be agitated?

 Rest assured, I’ll marry you openly. I’ll never put you in a spot and make you choose between me and your family. vipin vowed as he calmed down his agitated heart. This engagement concerned two of the strongest clans on the Master Teacher Continent, so his mission was bound to be fraught with difficulties. But, so what? 

Anyone who dared to stand in his way, even if the other party boasted the strongest power on the Master Teacher Continent, he would simply crush whatever opposition they had down like a domino! Exhaling deeply, vipin gazed at the world beneath him. A cluster of towering buildings rose from the ground, reminiscent of a crouching behemoth prowling in the mountain range. Its sheer grandeur bestowed it with a natural air of majesty and authority. The person who founded the academy must have possessed a comprehension of formation on par with 9-star formation master… vipin noted in wonderment.

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 The entire academy was built along the mountain range, and every single bit of it was exquisitely constructed, placing it in perfect alignment with its surroundings. Looking at it from above, it felt as if one was looking at a beautiful artwork. From this, it could be seen that the founder of academy, on top of being a 9- star formation master, was likely to be a highly-skilled landscaper 1 as well. 

“The founder of the Sanctum of Sages is Ancient Sage indrajit. He has followed master shake and learned from him as one of his direct disciples!” Noticing vipin’s astonishment, kundan remarked. “master shake’s direct disciple?” vipin was startled. Despite the prestige of the Sanctum of Sages, he had thought that it was just an organization created by a 9-star master teacher or one of the normal students under master shake. He hadn’t even considered the possibility that it was founded by master shake’s direct disciple! “Indeed. Otherwise, how could the Sage Clans possibly be willing to send their inner clan members to the Sanctum of Sages to study?”

 kundan replied with a hint of pride in his voice. “Ah, that’s true.” vipin nodded in realization. In truth, this was also something he had been wondering about all along. Clans as powerful as the shen kabila and the sant kabila were bound to at least have some 9-star master teachers in their ranks, as well as experts of most major occupation. Given so, was there really a need for them to send their offspring to the Sanctum of Sages to study?

 After all, they should have the resources required to groom their own offspring! However, if the Sanctum of Sages was founded by one of master shake’s direct disciples, that would change the nature of things. Just on that fact in itself, there was bound to be something extraordinary about the Sanctum of Sages. “Ancient Sage indrajit is neither the most famous nor the most powerful of master shake’s direct disciples, but he possesses an extraordinary ability in imparting knowledge and ideology to others.

 It has been several ten thousand years since the Sanctum of Sages was founded, and despite the trial of time, master shake’s ideology is still perfectly passed down from generation to generation. Students there are able to feel the very spirit of the World’s Teacher, as well as his deep desire to bring mankind to greater heights! 

Learning in such an environment could open up one’s mind, allowing one to view the society and the entire world from a higher perspective from before, thus giving them an insight into how they could better use their strength to bring about greater prosperity for mankind. This is something that no clan or blessed land is able to do!” kundan continued on. vipin nodded in agreement. 

Naturally, there was no doubting master shake’s selfless spirit for mankind. Just the very fact that Ancient Sage indrajit was passing from master shake’s knowledge and ideology in full from one generation to the next was more than enough to reinforce the Sanctum of Sages’ position as the number one training institution in the world. It was no wonder why all powers over the world wanted to send their offspring in. Just the inheritance of master shake’s spirit represented a prestige that no other blessed land could possibly bring.

 “I have heard of the affairs of Ancient Sage faraj before, and just out of curiosity, may I know that compared with Ancient Sage indrajit, who is stronger?” vipin couldn’t help but ask. “Well… Ancient Sage faraj is master shake’s servant whereas Ancient Sage indrajit is his direct disciple. But of course, this is a matter from ancient times, and it involves Ancient Sages at that, so it wouldn’t be our place to speak too much about it.” kundan replied with a smile. 

“I see…” vipin nodded in response. While kundan didn’t point it out explicitly, the meaning behind his words was clear. Ancient Sage indrajit was stronger than Ancient Sage faraj! To make a comparison, it was just like how mohan and arav were like to vipin, albeit mohan might not exactly be a good comparison. While mohan did receive vipin’s guidance from time to time, his fighting prowess was still nowhere in comparison to arav and the others. 

“Of master shake’s 72 direct disciples, the ten strongest are referred to as the ‘Ten Apostles’, and Ancient Sage indrajit is one of them. He’s one of the few possessors of the Eye of Insight, which grants him strength unmatched by most.” kundan said. As a member of the Sanctum of Sages, he revered the founder of the academy deeply, and he was also well-versed in the latter’s background as well.

 “Eye of Insight?” “Un. Ancient Sage indrajit is the second master teacher after master shake to comprehend Eye of Insight, and he even created a set of optic arts for it. It was said that back in the war against the Otherworldly Demonic Tribe, a look from him would kill even an ordinary Otherworldly Demon Emperor instantaneously! However, it was a pity that despite having being passed down over the years, no one has been able to master the optic arts he has created…” kundan shook his head in lamentation. 

“Optic arts? Kill even an ordinary Otherworldly Demon Emperor instantaneously?” vipin was astonished. He possessed the Eye of Insight, and he knew what it was capable for. So far, he had only known it to wield the ability to peer through the facade to look into the essence of things, identifying the intrinsic flaws in them… To be able to kill others with just a look, this was something he had never imagined to be possible before. If that was really the case, wouldn’t the Eye of Insight be a really frightening ability?

 “Indeed. But of course, the set of optic arts isn’t easy to master. Those who are able to master it to that extent would have already inherited Ancient Sage indrajit’s heritage, and they would be immediately conferred the position of the head of the Sanctum of Sages! Just to give you a sense of what that represents, the standing of the head of the Sanctum of Sages on the Master Teacher Continent would only be higher than that of the heads of the shen kabila and the sant kabila.”

 kundan remarked. “Becoming the head of the Sanctum of Sages?” Seeing through the hidden meaning behind those words, vipin frowned. “Is there no sanctum head for the Sanctum of Sages at the moment?” As the number one training institute of the Master Teacher Continent, it served to groom generations and generations of geniuses. There were many elders and clan heads of the Sage Clans that used to be students from the Sanctum of Sages… So, how could the Sanctum of Sages have no sanctum head at all? 

“One of the requirements to becoming the head of the Sanctum of Sages is to possess the Eye of Insight and master the optic art which Ancient Sage indrajit has left behind. It has been three hundred years since such an expert has appeared in the Sanctum of Sages, so the affairs are currently managed by a deputy head.” kundan explained. These matters couldn’t be considered as secrets. 

Those who were members of the Sanctum of Sages were aware of such matters, so there were no qualms about speaking of them to vipin. “I see.” vipin nodded. Most powers with long history had their own set of heritage. If one was unable to inherit the heritage, one would be unable to receive the acknowledgement of the predecessors. This would, in turn, make it nigh impossible for them to earn the recognition from the crowd and have them submit to one. This was especially so for an organization as prestigious as the Sanctum of Sages. 

These requirements were viewed with grave importance, and there was no way of working around them. Taking a step back, if someone were to really attempt to circumvent the requirements and proclaim himself as the head of the Sanctum of Sages… Putting aside the headquarters of the Master Teacher Pavilion, even the students of the Sanctum of Sages themselves would rise up in opposition to it!

 And for the sanctum head to not even be recognized by his own students… Putting aside the question of legitimacy, was there anything more disgraceful than that? “Alright, we have arrived at our destination. Let’s head down.” Just as vipin was about to ask on, kundan suddenly declared loudly. Glancing downward, he noted that the aerial saint beast had already stopped right above an empty square, and it was beginning to descend slowly. vipin knew that this wasn’t a good timing for him to ask on, so he decided to hold his questions off for later. 

Hula! Soon, the aerial saint beast landed on the ground, and the group swiftly leaped off its back. The square was filled with many men and all sorts of saint beasts. It seemed like they had rushed here from all over the Master Teacher Continent to participate in the final selection as well. Even with a swift glance, it could be seen that every single one of them possessed exceptional strength. “kundan, are we going against these men in the final selection?”

 reshma asked with quivering lips. While they weren’t the weakest bunch in the square, there were plenty who were stronger than them. The powerful auras that they exerted were more than enough to tell reshma and the others that they stood no chance against them in a proper duel. Back when they were still in their own homeland, they had always thought that they were top geniuses on the Master Teacher Continent. 

Even if there were people in the world who were more talented than them, the disparity between them was unlikely to be too great. However, after seeing the crowd that had gathered in the area, they swiftly realized that their thoughts were too naive. “Most of them are inner clan members of the Sage Clans. On top of the superior purity of their bloodlines, they were also given the best guidance from young, so it’s only natural that they would be that strong. 

In any case, like I have told you earlier, strength is only one of the criteria being assessed in the Mountain Gate. As long as you were to perform to the best of your abilities in every test, you should stand a decent chance. So, there’s no need to be too worried…” Noting the air of anxiety shrouding the group, kundan consoled. 

The inner members of Sage Clans were able to grow swiftly in the earlier stages of their cultivation through awakening their bloodline. Furthermore, they were also had access to the best cultivation resources and the best guidance from a very young age, so it was a given that they would be stronger than the other candidates. With that huge of a difference in the starting line, it was inevitable that there would be some distance between them at this point. This was an innate factor, so there was nothing they could do to help that. 

Nevertheless, as long as the group continued working hard, they might just be able to catch up with them. “We understand. Thank you, kundan.” Even though the group understood this much too, they still couldn’t help their nervousness. On the other hand, vipin was secretly scanning his surroundings with his Eye of Insight. As expected of the offspring of Sage Clans, they are indeed powerful.”

 Not only were there Leaving Aperture realm cultivators who had undergone the lightning tribulation amongst the crowd, there were even some who had reached Half-Grand Dominion realm! To possess such strength when they weren’t even in their thirties yet, their talents could be said to be almost on par with him! As powerful as vipin’s fighting prowess was at the moment, his true cultivation was still only at Primordial Spirit realm pinnacle at the moment, a long distance away from reaching Half-Grand Dominion realm. 

“Hm? There seems to be quite a few who aren’t master teachers amongst them…” someone within the group suddenly remarked. vipin had also noticed the same as well. There were quite a few young men in the square who weren’t wearing master teacher robes, and they didn’t carry the disposition that master teachers would usually have either. “The Sanctum of Sages serves not only to groom master teachers but those of the other occupations as well, such as blacksmith and apothecary. 

As such, those from the other occupations would come to challenge the Mountain Gate each year too.” kundan replied with a smile. The Sanctum of Sages was the highest training institute on the Master Teacher Continent, but it didn’t seek to just cultivate master teachers. It also had heritages for the other occupations as well. In fact, the number of non-master teachers amongst the candidates, as a whole, was far higher than the number of master teachers.

 “So that’s the case…” Everyone nodded. All of the candidates from the Eight Conferred Empires only numbered thirty in total. If the secondary selection had gone as planned, there would only be twenty of them left. But on the square, there were more than ten thousand young men, and this disproportionate number of candidates was deeply bewildering to them. However, if the scope of the candidates wasn’t just limited to master teachers, that would make perfect sense. 

Even though the occupations in the world were divided into Upper Nine Paths, Middle Nine Paths, and Lower Nine Paths, that didn’t mean that there were only 27 occupations in total. It was only a conventional terminology used to rank the occupations. There were at least a thousand occupations out there in the world, and which occupation wouldn’t have a couple of geniuses each year? Given so, it was within expectations that there would be so many candidates taking the final selection. 

“Let me see how the strength of the geniuses from the other occupations are like…” Upon understanding all of these, vipin began assessing those of the other occupations. A moment later, he shook his head. While there were plenty of experts amongst those of the other occupations too, on the whole, they were still rather lacking as compared to master teachers. After all, master teacher wasn’t the number one occupation in the world for nothing. 

“Hm?” Just as vipin was about to retract his gaze, he suddenly caught sight of a certain group which made his eyes light up in agitation. “Are those people… from the Glacier Plain Court?” 


Chapter 1288: - jeet 

They were dressed in white robes, identical to those of the Glacier Plain Court back when he was at the Myriad Kingdom Alliance branch. vipin had not received any news about renu since she left, and he had been wanting to know how she was faring since then. Since he happened to meet the members from the Glacier Plain Court, it was a good opportunity to ask about her condition. 

Considering that they had been selected to participate in the final selection of the Sanctum of Sages, the group over there would likely possess considerable standing in the Glacier Plain Court. Thus, there was a good chance that they were aware of how renu was doing. “kundan, I’ll head over there to take a look,” vipin informed kundan before making his way over. “Over there?” kundan took a glance over and remarked, “Those ladies over there are from the Glacier Plain Court. 

It’ll be best not to get on their bad side.” “Oh?” vipin was surprised by the warning. “Are the members of the Glacier Plain Court known to be unreasonable?” kundan shook his head and replied, “That’s not it. Most of the members of the Glacier Plain Court are beautiful ladies, so their group tends to be extremely popular in the Sanctum of Sages. In fact, most take pride in marrying one of their members, so there are plenty of people who attempt to chat them up on a daily basis. 

I fear that you might get snubbed if you approach them abruptly.” The young man before him was very talented, and his eye of discernment was incredible as well. However, who would have thought that he was actually so lecherous! On their first meeting, the young man had already asked him about the details of the number one beauty of the Sanctum of Sages, the sant kabila’s little princess. And now, as soon as he spotted the beautiful members of the Glacier Plain Court, he was drawn in and wanted to approach them. Do you know that the Sanctum of Sages isn’t like the Qingyuan Empire?

 Even if you possess incredible talent, you can’t just react in such a manner every time you see a beauty. At this rate, it’s just a matter of time before you get beaten up by someone! “Ah… I just intend to ask them something. I’m not intending to chat them up.” How could vipin be unaware of what kundan was thinking after hearing those words and seeing the expression on the latter’s face?

 Black lines immediately streaked across vipin face. He had always conducted himself honestly and righteously, rarely overstepping his boundaries unless truly necessary. Yet, for the other party to treat him like a pervert… that was a great insult to his character! “No matter what, you have to make sure to tread carefully. There are no weaklings in the Sanctum of Sages. Try to be as low profile as you can, and don’t ever get into a conflict with anyone!” kundan advised. 

First, the young man forcefully got him to allocate two slots to the Qingyuan Empire during the preliminary selection through his scheming. Next, the young man made a mess out of the secondary selection, forcing him to have to bring everyone over. And now, barely after they had arrived, he was already trying to approach the group from the Glacier Plain Court. Can’t you just give it a rest for a while? Will you die if you stop causing trouble for a moment?

 “Don’t worry,” vipin reassured with a smile, “I’ve always been one to keep a low profile. I won’t get into any trouble, so rest easy!” This time, he was only heading over to ask some questions. Surely, nothing bad could happen from asking a few questions, right? “That would be for the best. I’m only your guide, so I won’t be able to help you with anything that happens from here onward. So, allow me to give you a few words of advice. 

The Glacier Plain Court possesses great power and influence in the Master Teacher Continent, and they used to be on par with the shen kabila and sant kabila in the past. Even though they might have been declining in recent years due to the absence of a court chief, their prowess is still not to be underestimated,” kundan warned with a stern frown. He was only in charge of selecting the candidates and taking them over to the Sanctum of Sages. 

Anything beyond that was out of his jurisdiction, and it was not his place to interfere either. Nevertheless, they had still spent some time together, and he had a rather favorable impression of vipin. So, he still hoped that the latter would not get into trouble in the Sanctum of Sages. Especially not with a power as strong as the Glacier Plain Court. Knowing that the other party was saying those words out of goodwill, vipin clasped his fist and replied, “I understand!” “Un.”

 kundan nodded before falling silent. After which, vipin made his way over to the members of the Glacier Plain Court and asked with a smile, “May I ask if you all are from the Glacier Plain Court?” “We are.” The young ladies turned around and responded, but their faces were devoid of any emotion. Complete indifference, as if trying to distance themselves from the young man before them. As those of the Glacier Plain Court cultivated yin attribute cultivation techniques, their personalities tended to be a little cold.

 “I am a cultivator from the Qingyuan Empire, and I hope to enquire about a certain matter,” vipin said earnestly. “Don’t you think that your pick-up line is a little too old-fashioned?” one of the young ladies sneered coldly, the disdain in her eyes clear for all to see. The Glacier Plain Court was one of the top powers in the Master Teacher Continent, and they were ravishing beauties possessing exceptional talent. As a result, there were many who tried to chat them up every single day, and over time, they had seen all kinds of means that others would use.

 The one that the young man before them was using, trying to enquire about a certain matter—it had been many years since anyone had tried using that on them! It was a pick-up line that had expired a very long time ago! A complete lack of creativity. Zero marks for effort! Seeing that he had been misunderstood, vipin shook his head with a bitter smile as he quickly explained, “You are really misunderstanding my intentions. I have an acquaintance who entered the Glacier Plain Court recently, and I haven’t been able to gather any news on her. I happened to spot your group here, so I was wondering if I could perhaps enquire about her affairs from you!” “An acquaintance? 

You aren’t going to say that your acquaintance is one of us, are you?” The disdain on the young lady’s face deepened. She had heard so many of such pick-up lines that she could recite most of them from memory. In the short time that they had spent in the square so far, there had already been five groups of men who had approached them, wanting to get close with them. ‘Young miss, you look familiar. I think we might have met in our previous life.’ ‘Aren’t you tired? 

Because you have been running through my mind all day long.’ She had simply heard too many of such pick-up lines; any more of them could very well cause her ears to grow warts! “Of course not. The person I wish to ask about is a young lass called renu.

 She should have been brought into the Glacier Plain Court by one of your elders that goes by the name of punit,” vipin said. The young lady menacingly narrowed her eyes as she snapped furiously. “Audacious! Is the name of our young court chief something that you are worthy of uttering?” 

“Young court chief?” vipin frowned. “Stop putting on an act!” An imposing aura burst forth from the young lady as she glared at vipin threateningly, as if daring him to continue spouting nonsense. “Leave right now, and I can let this matter slide. Otherwise, don’t blame me for getting nasty!” As soon as she released her strength, her cultivation immediately showed.

 Despite her young age, the young lady was actually at Leaving Aperture realm pinnacle! Even among the impressive geniuses that had gathered there, she could be considered as an expert. “Calm down, I just want to ask you…” Shaking his head, vipin continued to explain the matter, but the young lady seemed to have reached the limit of her patience. She raised her hand and struck out at vipin. 

Her palm was imbued with a frosty energy that induced a spine-chilling sensation within one, as if threatening to freeze everything in the surroundings. “This…” vipin did not think that his serious question would actually end up provoking the other party into making a move against him. Sighing helplessly, he raised his finger in preparation to counterattack, but before he could do so, a figure suddenly appeared before him, and the energy built up abruptly dissipated. kundan. 

“This friend from the Glacier Plain Court, I am a guide from the Sanctum of Sages, kundan. This young man over here is a candidate under me, and if he has offended you in any way, I ask for your pardon…” It was just a moment ago that the young man had promised him that he would not get himself into trouble, but the young man had ended up provoking the other party into making a move after just a few words. Unable to watch on any longer, he had ended up charging in to mediate in the fight. 

“Since kundan has spoken on his behalf, I’ll overlook the matter this once.” Seeing that a guide had stepped in to mediate the matter, the young lady glanced at vipin coldly before flinging her sleeves and turning away. “Thank you.” Heaving a sigh of relief, kundan turned to vipin with a frown and said, “Let’s return.” “I really have something I would like to ask her…” All vipin wanted to know was whether renu was faring well or not, but not only was the young lady unwilling to say anything, she even tried to make a move on him. Was there something wrong with her head? 

“You said that you wouldn’t provoke them, but as soon as you spoke, you actually called their young court chief a young lass. Aren’t you clearly taunting them?” kundan berated with a deep frown. Worried about vipin, he had been keeping an eye on the situation, and he had heard the conversation between the two of them from the start to the end. “This…” vipin was taken aback. renu was his student, so there was no problem with him calling her ‘young lass’. However, he had failed to consider the fact that renu was also their young court chief at the moment. 

From their perspective, his method of addressing her was indeed rather disrespectful. No matter what, the Glacier Plain Court was still one of the strongest powers on the Master Teacher Continent. The standing of their young court chief could be said to be on par with a 9-star master teacher, and yet, a young lad like him actually addressed her in such a manner. It was no wonder the young lady had gotten angry. In a sense, this was like directly addressing the emperor by his name and even calling him a young lad.

 “Alright, let’s go back… I’ve heard of the affairs of the Glacier Plain Court’s young court chief too. She possesses the Pure Yin Body, and the Glacier Plain Court only brought her back several months ago. I know she is rumored to possess beauty on par with the little princess of the sant kabila, but still…” As kundan spoke, he looked at the young man before him and shook his head. 

This young fellow was not just a pervert—he was practically blinded by his lust! He looked into the affairs of the sant kabila’s little princess before coming to the Sanctum of Sages, and now that he had encountered the members of the Glacier Plain Court, he actually rushed straight forward to enquire about their young court chief. Are you going to do that to every beautiful lady you come by?

 While both of them might be young, they are figures who could rattle the entire Master Teacher Continent with just a stomp of their feet. Just how gutsy are you to actually dare to think of making a move on them? “renu is my… There’s a close relationship between the both of us. I honestly only wish to ask you for some news on her…” Unwilling to give up, vipin could only change his words. Previously, when he had addressed renu as a young lass, the young lady had nearly exploded. If he said that she was his student, wouldn’t the young lady overturn the heavens? 

Upon hearing those words, the young lady’s eyes immediately widened with rage. Unable to hold her burning fury in anymore, she stepped forward and bellowed furiously. “Close relationship between the both of you? What kind of nonsense are you spouting? The young court chief of our Glacier Plain Court is sacred and virtuous—how dare you insult her in such a manner? kundan, pardon me, but I’ll have to ask of you to step away. No matter what, I must teach this insolent fellow to watch his mouth!” 

“This…” kundan was frenzied. Previously, that fellow claimed that he was acquainted with the sant kabila’s little princess, and now, he actually claimed that there was a close relationship between him and the young court chief of the Glacier Plain Court. Just who do you think you are? The young prodigy from the shen kabila? Do you really think that everyone in the world ought to know of you?

 “There must be some kind of misunderstanding…” As crazed as kundan felt on the inside, he still tried to maintain a composed exterior as he attempted to mediate in the conflict. From his point of view, given vipin’s capabilities, he would clear the final selection without a problem. It would really be a huge pity if he was injured prior to the final selection. The young lady harrumphed. “There’s no misunderstanding over here. While our Glacier Plain Court has been lying low in recent years, that’s not to say that we will tolerate others defaming us in such a manner! 

How can I simply watch as that bastard insults our young court chief like that? If I don’t teach him a lesson, what will become of the authority and prestige of our Glacier Plain Court?” She took two steps toward vipin and eyed him intimidatingly, saying, “Since you dared to speak of our young court chief in such a manner, surely you won’t shy away from a fight, will you?” “You wish to challenge me to a fight?”

 Seeing how the young lady had even gone to the extent of challenging him to a fight, vipin shook his head and said, “If I defeat you, will you tell me the current circumstances of renu?” Seeing how the young man was still persistently addressing their young court chief by her name, the young lady’s face turned livid. “You are really courting death…” But before the young lady could make a move, a leisurely voice suddenly sounded in the air. “This fairy over there, it’s not worth it getting angry over an arrogant brat like him. 

Leave him to me. It would be a huge pity if you dirtied your hands over someone like him!” Following which, a white-robed young man holding a fan in his hand slowly walked over. With an elegant flick of his wrist, he folded his fan and chuckled. There was a refined air shrouding him, making him appear gentlemanly. “The shen kabila’s jeet greets the fairies of the Glacier Plain Court. It’s a delight to meet you all!”


Chapter 1289: - I’m In A Rush For Time 

 “Glacier Plain Court’s fairy charu pays respects to vipin!” Withdrawing her palm, the young lady clasped her fist and returned the greetings “shen kabila?” vipin turned to the young man who had just appeared and assessed him carefully. jeet appeared to be in his mid-twenties, and his cultivation felt deep like the unfathomable ocean. Just like the Glacier Plain Court’s fairy charu, he had reached Leaving Aperture realm pinnacle as well.

 It was no wonder why vipin liaoshi could only be considered as one from the side family in the shen kabila. Even after receiving his guidance, vipin liaoshi still paled far in comparison to jeet. “So you’re Fairy charu! I have long heard rumors of your affairs. A palm to subdue seven swords, a breath to freeze three thousand li… The Seven Bandits of Shunyan City has been going wreaking havoc all around, and if not for your help, they might have really brought forth a huge catastrophe!” jeet chuckled refinedly. 

“vipin, you’re flattering me!” fairy charu’s eyebrows shot up, but her tone remained nonchalant, showing no particular emotion to jeet’s words. In order to enter the Sanctum of Sages and resolve the trauma in her cultivation, she had worked herself down to her bone, spending most of her time cultivating. As a result, the only notable affair concerning her was about how she had single-handedly brought down the vicious Seven Bandits of Shunyan City, thus saving many lives from dying in their hands. 

It wasn’t a particularly huge affair, but the fact that jeet was aware of it showed that he had been keeping a lookout for her affairs. “I have always been in awe of Fairy charu’s strength and talents.” jeet complimented once more. “I have heard the conversation between the two of you, and that young man over there has been really disrespectful to you that I couldn’t even stand watching it anymore. 

Why don’t I teach him a lesson in your stead, so that you don’t have to dirty your hands for someone like him?” “… I’ll be leaving the matter to you then, vipin.” fairy charu could tell that jeet was intentionally fawning on her, and after a moment of pause, she eventually nodded. “It’ll do to just teach him a lesson. There’s no need to go too far.” It wasn’t like there was some kind of irreconcilable grudge between the both of them, so there was no need to blow things out of proportions.

 She was only unhappy at how the young man had addressed the name of their young court chief so casually and it would suffice to just teach the young man a lesson so that he would never dare do it again. “Fairy charu sure is kind. Don’t worry, I won’t go too far!” Huala! jeet opened the foldable fan in his hand, and as he turned his gaze toward vipin, the smile on his face vanished, replaced with frostiness in his eyes. With a disposition which suggested that he had everything in grasp, he said, “This friend over here, I’ll give you two options. You can choose to apologize and compensate for the mistake you have done.

 I won’t ask for too much, just two Saint intermediate-tier artifacts will do. Otherwise, I’ll make a move and force you to apologize and compensate. Once that happens, don’t expect to be able to get off with just compensating two Saint intermediate-tier artifacts!” “Apologize? Compensate?” vipin nearly burst into laughter. 

Couldn’t be bothered with that self-assuming fellow, he turned his gaze back to fairy charu and said, “Young lady, I didn’t know that she has become your young court chief, so if there’s anything I have said that has offended you, allow me to apologize to you right here. I am acquainted with your young court chief quite a while back, so I just would like to know how she’s faring in the Glacier Plain Court.” 

Considering how renu’s current standing in the Glacier Plain Court, it was understandable why fairy charu would get mad at how he addressed renu directly by her name. While vipin did find fairy charu’s words and actions rather offending and reckless, he didn’t come to pick a fight. In any case, an apology cost nothing at all, and if he could find out how his student was faring by apologizing, he would gladly do it. Before fairy charu could say anything, jeet’s face had already darkened in fury.

 “Brat, I am talking to you right here. Are you deaf?” As one of the geniuses of the esteemed shen kabila, he was respected no matter where he went to. No one would dare to snub him even in the slightest. Yet, this brat actually ignored him altogether… This was something that the prideful him couldn’t accept. “I’m enquiring something from the young ladies of the Glacier Plain Court, and I don’t think this has anything to do with you, right? 

Do the members of your shen kabila have the habit of drifting to wherever there are ladies and rudely interject in the business of others?” vipin glanced at jeet with cold eyes filled with contempt and disdain as he flung his sleeves. “You really should go for therapy to cure that bad habit of yours!” Trying to use me as a stepping stone to impress the girls? Young man from the shen kabila, you should already be thankful that I haven’t knocked on your doorstep yet. 

For you to actually be getting on your high horses in front of me, do you really think that your shen kabila is untouchable in the Master Teacher Continent? “What did you say?” jeet narrowed his eyes menacingly as veins popped on his temples. Even though his bloodline was purer than vipin liaoshi’s, his standing on the shen kabila was actually not too high. 

If he could establish good relations with those from the Glacier Plain Court, he would be able to become more highly-regarded in the shen kabila, which would, in turn, open up more opportunities for him, allowing him to soar through the ranks. It was for this reason that he unhesitatingly stepped forward to help fairy charu when he saw that she had gotten into an argument with another. 

He thought that by bringing out the shen kabila’s name, he would be able to scare the other party into submission. Yet, he never thought that the young man would actually have such a fearless attitude toward the shen kabila! “Unless you are deaf, you should have heard what I have said perfectly clear. Stop sticking your nose into where it doesn’t belong and scram to the side, or else I’ll have to no choice but to teach you a lesson…” vipin ordered coldly with a wave of his hand.

 The other party should be thankful that he had a good temperament. If it had been anyone else in his place, he would have surely beaten the other party up by now! “It’s over…” On the other hand, kundan, who had been watching the entire scene from the start to the end, nearly fainted on the spot. 

The young man had just said that he was extremely low profile and would avoid trouble, but in just a few moments, he had already successfully turned the disciples of the Glacier Plain Court and an offspring of the shen kabila against him… If this is what you mean by low profile, are you going to tear down the entire Sanctum of Sages once you go high profile? “You’re courting death!” 

Unable to take vipin’s taunting, jeet roared furiously before charging forward. In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to have become viscous. An incredibly powerful energy converged in on vipin, shrouding him within it. 

As expected of a genius from the shen kabila, despite being at Leaving Aperture realm pinnacle as well, his fighting prowess was nearly on par with the other Vicious he had encountered at the Marshlands of the Northern Meadows. It was not to say that Vicious was weak, but after several dozen of millenniums to death and having barely awoken from the seal the Qingtian Emperor had cast upon him then, the strength that the other Vicious could exert was really severely limited then. 

Furthermore, the other Vicious consisted of only the head and the eyes, which meant that his fighting prowess would be severely limited as well. Nevertheless, despite such factors, Vicious was still an existence which could rival master shake back then, so it could be said to be rather amazing for jeet to be able to wield strength on par with him. “Hmph!” vipin narrowed his eyes coldly. As powerful as jeet might be, there was no way vipin would lose against him with the current strength he wielded. Just as he was about to make a move as well, a burst of sword qi suddenly flew toward jeet. 

Hong long! Noticing the burst of sword qi, jeet released a powerful ripple of zhenqi in retaliation, and the sword qi dissipated in an instant. Not too far away, a groan echoed inconspicuously, but that faint sound couldn’t escape from the notice of those present here. It seemed like in the earlier encounter, the person who had made a move against jeet had been injured instead. “vipin liaoshi, you actually dare to raise your hand against me?” jeet roared furiously. When he turned his head over, he saw vipin liaoshi rushing forward to stand in front of vipin. 

His slightly pale face hinted that he was the one who had clashed with jeet earlier and sustained some injuries from it. No matter what, he was only at Primordial Spirit realm pinnacle, an entire cultivation realm weaker than the Leaving Aperture realm pinnacle jeet. “jeet, we are here all here to participate in the final selection of the Sanctum of Sages. 

There’s no need to make things so tense among us…” Suppressing the suffocated sensation crushing his chest, vipin liaoshi clasped his fist and said. vipin was his benefactor, so even though he knew that he was no match for jeet at all, he couldn’t bring himself to simply look away from the matter. “You said that there’s no need to make things so tense among us? That might be true a moment ago, but I do see a need for it now!” With a warped look on his face, jeet roared furiously. 

“I’ll deal with you once we return to the shen kabila. Now, don’t get in my way and scram!” “If you want to make a move here, you’ll have to start with me!” vipin liaoshi replied adamantly, refusing to back down. “vipin liaoshi, it’s fine. I’ll deal with him myself.” vipin placed a hand on vipin liaoshi’s shoulder to indicate that it was fine before stepping forward. He understood vipin liaoshi’s intentions, but he didn’t think that there was a need for that. In truth, vipin liaoshi wasn’t trying to play the hero here. 

He knew that there was a huge disparity in strength between jeet and him, and he knew that he would only be tragically defeated if a fight were to occur. However, he still chose to intervene in the conflict because that would be the only way to minimize the implications of the matter. As the number one Sage Clan on the Master Teacher Continent, the shen kabila wielded frightening power in its hands. 

While it wouldn’t stoop so low as the mobilize its influence to interfere in the matters of the younger generation, it was still inevitable that there would be plenty of people in the Sanctum of Sages who were eager to butter up to jeet and the other offspring of the shen kabila. It was for this reason that very few people dared to cross jeet and the other offspring of the shen kabila, or else they could find every step they took in the Sanctum of Sages fraught with difficulties. If vipin liaoshi were to take the blame for this matter, in view that he was an offspring of the shen kabila as well, he would just suffer a bit of punishment and that would be the end of things. 

However, what vipin liaoshi didn’t know was that vipin didn’t fear the shen kabila at all. As long as he wanted to marry Pratyusha, it was only a matter of time before he became an enemy of the shen kabila. Besides, he didn’t fear the suppression of the shen kabila either. With the Library of Heaven’s Path, would he have to fear anyone attempting to stifle his growth? Since jeet was the one to start the conflict, there was no reason for him to defer meekly to the other party! 

With these thoughts in mind, vipin turned his gaze back to jeet and spoke with casual contempt, “Alright, hurry up and make your move. I’m in a rush for time, so I don’t have too much time to waste on you!” “You…” Seeing how lightly vipin was taking him, jeet roared furiously and charged forward once more, sending a palm strike toward the other party. The offense this time around was much stronger than before. The immense might behind the palm strike brought forth the slight rumbling of thunder, as if it was tearing open a vacuum in space.

 “Powerful…” “jeet might not be the strongest candidate dispatched from the shen kabila to participate in the final selection this time around, but his strength is still one that shouldn’t be underestimated!” “Even I would have some trouble taking on that palm strike face-on. It would better to dodge it before making another move, but it doesn’t seem like jeet would allow that lad to do so…” “That haughty fellow is in for some suffering!” 

“Even if he wanted to chat those young ladies up, he should have found a better reason than that. Now that he has offended both the Glacier Plain Court and the shen kabila, even if he clears the final selection by some chance, he probably won’t be able to survive in the Sanctum of Sages for too long…” … The surrounding crowd also swiftly turned their attention over to the commotion that was going on as well. There was a myriad of expressions on their faces, shocked, curious, intrigued, and much more. 

However, if one thing was clear, none of them thought well of the young man. There was no one who dared to step forward to mediate in the conflict either, especially since the shen kabila was involved in the matter as well. There was no way they would risk getting flames on themselves just to help a stranger. “This…” fairy charu also didn’t expect things to blow out of proportions, and a slight frown emerged between her brows. 

She thought that the young man was just a little thoughtless in his words, but at this point, conceited would be a more appropriate adjective to describe him! She had long heard of jeet’s name, even before arriving in the Sanctum of Sages. Despite only being twenty-six this year, jeet had already reached Leaving Aperture realm pinnacle. On top of that, his aptitude toward battle techniques was astounding as well. 

Not only so, he also boasted vast battle experience, such that even fairy charu herself would be hard-pressed to subdue him. For a mere Primordial Spirit realm pinnacle lad to dare taunt him… Wasn’t that lad just asking to be killed? Hong long! Before everyone’s astonished gazes, the sheer force of jeet’s palm tore a deep gorge right through the square. “That’s the Saint intermediate-tier battle technique, Soul Shattering Palm!” 

“That strike doesn’t just wield overwhelming physical might, it also boasts a powerful offensive power toward souls as well! If that strike were to land on one squarely, it would jolt one’s soul and instantaneously knock one out, putting one at the mercy of another!” “Even among Saint intermediate-tier battle techniques, it can be considered as one of the strongest!” 

A huge commotion broke out amidst the crowd once more. But at this very moment, a slightly disappointed voice sounded from the young man standing right in front of that powerful palm strike, “This is your move? Well, I guess it’s not too bad considering that it’s coming from you, but I really don’t have any interest in playing with you right now, so pardon me then…” Right after saying those words, the young man took a step forward and thrust his palm forward casually. 

Kacha! There was no astounding strength or overwhelming aura from that palm strike, but for some inexplicable reason, the majestic Soul Shattering Palm actually dissipated upon clashing with it. Following right after, with a resounding ‘pa dah!’, jeet found himself crushed forcefully onto the ground like a toad, as if there was a mountain weighing down on him. He struggled wildly, but his body simply wouldn’t budge at all. 

Frenzy and rage were written all over his face. “This…” “He subdued jeet in a single move?” Everyone widened their eyes in frenzy. “H-how is this possible?” fairy charu widened her eyes in disbelief. “Settled.” Without sparing a glance for jeet, vipin turned his gaze back to fairy charu and said, “Young lady, you haven’t answered my question yet. How is your young court chief faring in the Glacier Plain Court?” 


Chapter 1290: - fairy charu’s Attitude 

 “Y-you…” fairy charu was at a loss for words. She viewed her strength to be roughly on the same level as jeet, so jeet’s defeat meant that she wouldn’t have been able to withstand even a second blow from the young man as well! If they were to really get into a battle, she would only be humiliated! Wasn’t he just a Primordial Spirit realm pinnacle cultivator? How could he be so formidable?

 Cold sweat trickled down fairy charu’s back. It was fortunate that jeet had stood in earlier, or else the one who would be crushed on the ground like a toad would have been her… If that were to really happen to her, she would never be able to hold her head high before others anymore! “Just who in the world are you?” With tightly clenched fists, fairy charu asked. It shouldn’t be possible for someone who wielded such strength to be a nobody. 

So, how could she have never heard of the young man before? More importantly, judging from the young man’s overwhelming strength and how he was able to qualify for the final selection in the Sanctum of Sages, he should have a powerful background. Since that was the case, it was irrational to think that someone of the young man’s caliber to stoop down to provoke them. Building on that argument, could that mean that he was really acquainted with their young court chief? 

Or perhaps, was he… one of their young court chief’s pursuers? “I am a 7-star master teacher from Qingyuan Empire, so I doubt that you would have heard of my name. Don’t worry, I don’t mean you any ill-will. I’m just asking out of concern.” vipin replied. As famous as vipin might be in Qingyuan Empire and Hongyuan Empire, it was unlikely that his reputation would travel so far for even those of the Sanctum of Sages to have heard of him. 

“Qingyuan Empire?” fairy charu pondered for a moment before shaking her head. There was indeed no notable figure she knew of that originated from Qingyuan Empire. Due to a war two decades ago, the Qingyuan Empire had become the weakest of the Eight Conferred Empires. Who could have thought that such a talented master teacher would emerge from their ranks at this point in time? 

“Are you… really acquainted with our young court chief?” fairy charu asked hesitantly. According to what she knew, their young court chief seemed to have come from Qingyuan Empire as well. Could the both of them really be acquainted with one another? “Un.” vipin nodded affirmatively. renu was one of his direct disciples, and together, they had forged their way out of Tianxuan Kingdom to the greater world out there. Their relationship couldn’t be just covered with the word ‘acquainted’. 

“I have been a bit worried about how she has been doing ever since your Elder punit took her to the Glacier Plain Court, so I thought that I would ask you since you are from the Glacier Plain Court as well. I really don’t intend anything aside of that.” vipin explained earnestly. “I see. If that’s the case, I guess it would be fine to speak of her affairs to you…” fairy charu looked at vipin’s earnest eyes for a moment before nodding slowly. 

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know much about our young court chief either. I know that she’s extremely diligent in her cultivation, and her cultivation has been growing swiftly as well… While it hasn’t been long since she arrived in the Glacier Plain Court, her strength already far surpasses ours, reaching a level unfathomable to us. As for the details, I’m afraid that I am not too clear about them myself either…” Speaking up to this point, fairy charu’s face couldn’t help but redden. 

While she did possess considerable talent as well, which made her a relatively famous figure in the Glacier Plain Court, she was still a long distance away from matching up to the young court chief. As the young court chief had devoted all of her time to her cultivation, she hadn’t been able to find an opportunity to interact with the other party over the past half a year since the other party’s arrival.

In fact, if not for the couple of times she had seen the young court chief from afar, she would have doubted if there was truly such a figure in their Glacier Plain Court at all. As a result of that, she knew next to nothing about the other party. renu’s strength far surpasses theirs? vipin was startled for a moment before nodding slowly. As one who possessed the Pure Yin Body, her cultivation would surge forward once she awakened her unique constitution. 

On top of that, there was no doubt that the Glacier Plain Court would devote all of their resources into grooming her as well, so it was indeed not difficult for her to surpass Leaving Aperture realm pinnacle in half a year. It seems like I really have to work harder… vipin thought with a bitter smile. It would really be embarrassing if he turned out to be the weakest amongst his students the next time they met. “Thank you for your information. Pardon me for having imposed on you.

 Farewell.” Seeing that fairy charu really didn’t know much about renu, vipin decided to take his leave. In any case, the fact that renu had been recognized as the young court chief by the members of the Glacier Plain Court, and that her cultivation had risen beyond Leaving Aperture realm showed that the Glacier Plain Court hadn’t been mistreating her. Since that was the case, he would be able to rest his heart easy. 

His students would have their own lives to live too, he couldn’t possibly keep an eye on them all the way. He would just have to be content with knowing that they were doing well. With a wave of his hand, vipin released the weight on jeet. Then, with a polite bow, he returned back to where he was standing. “There’s no need to stand on ceremony…” Seeing vipin leaving without saying anything else, not even sparing her an additional glance, fairy charu’s face reddened in embarrassment. 

Previously, she thought that the other party was intentionally saying those words to chat her up, or perhaps, to build a relationship with the Glacier Plain Court. However, from the looks of it now… that was clearly not the case! The young man had really only approached her just to ask a question. If she had known it in advance, she wouldn’t have been so self-assuming and implicate jeet in the matter… As this thought came to her mind, she quickly turned her head over to look at the released jeet. The latter struggled to his feet with rage and mania written on his face. 

“Damn it!” jeet spat indignantly. He thought that this was an opportunity for him to perform before the beauties and get close with them, only to find himself crushed to the floor in a single move. The great humiliation he had gone through left him feeling so frustrated that he could go mad on the spot. However, that encounter had also made him realize that the young man was someone whom the current him was no match for. As furious as he may be, he knew that he would only be embarrassing himself further if he were to rush up to the young man and confront him.

 “Are you fine?” While jeet was at the peak of his rage, he suddenly saw fairy charu looking over with a concerned look. “I… I’m fine!” With a reddened face, jeet quickly tried to regain his poise. He attempted to flick open the foldable fan in his hand to block his face, only to find that half of the fan had been destroyed in the previous clash. Even though their battle was ended in a single blow, the shockwave that was released as a result of the blow was not one which ordinary fans could withstand.

 As a result, it ended up being reduced to an unseemly state. “It’s good that you’re fine. vipin, thank you for making a stand for me earlier. However, it seems like the friend from before means no ill-will, so I hope that you won’t take this matter to heart.” fairy charu said. It was while trying to stand up for her that jeet ended up landing himself in such a state. Even though he ended up contributing nothing at all, she was still rather grateful to him for offering his help.

 This entire incident had originated from her misunderstanding, and she felt deeply ashamed by her rashness as well. Thus, she felt that it was necessary for her to mediate between the both of them, and hopefully, they might be able to put aside their differences. “No ill-will? Just on the very fact that he had belittled our shen kabila, there’s no way I’ll be able to make peace with him!” Hearing that fairy charu was even speaking on that young man’s behalf now, jeet’s rage intensified. 

“Fairy charu, you need not say anything more. This thing has nothing to do with you anymore. That brat has insulted our shen kabila and even made a move on me. I’ll have to return this favor to him, or else what dignity would I have in the Sanctum of Sages?” As an offspring of the shen kabila, he was utterly crushed right before the faces of so many geniuses before they could even take the final selection. 

Without a doubt, this incident would be one of the darkest spots in his records. If he couldn’t get even with the other party, he would be mocked for this matter for many years to come! “This…” fairy charu had no idea what she could say at this point. Indeed. With how far things had come, it was no longer just a personal conflict between her and that young man anymore. “pranay, I want you to look into the background of that brat and find out why vipin liaoshi is helping him!”

 While jeet might be arrogant, he wasn’t a reckless individual. After a moment of thought, he turned to the side and instructed. On the other hand, the young man known as pranay before him nodded in response before disappearing amidst the crowd. Inner clan members like him tended to have some personal attendants, who would be in charge of taking care of their daily necessities and attending to miscellaneous matters. 

Not too long later, pranay returned. He clasped his fist and reported, “Young Master, I have managed to dig up some things on that fellow. He’s a master teacher from Qingyuan Empire, serving as the principal of Hongyuan Master Teacher Academy. He has once succeeded in crashing the Qingyuan Empire, which goes to say that he possesses talent and strength far beyond ordinary master teachers!” 

Most of the affairs surrounding vipin were recorded in the Master Teacher Pavilion, so it was actually not too difficult for those who knew where to look to acquire information on him. “Hongyuan Master Teacher Academy? Not even worth a mention!” jeet scoffed derisively before a frown emerged between his brows. 

“However, the fact that he succeeded in crashing the QIngyuan Empire Master Teacher Pavilion does make him quite a troublesome figure to deal with!” In his view, being a principal of a Master Teacher Academy in somewhere as small as Hongyuan Empire was no different from being the chief of some a remote village, an insignificant figure. However, if the young man had successfully crashed a Master Teacher Pavilion before… things wouldn’t be that simple anymore. 

There were certain restrictions imposed on pavilion crashing. For one, a master teacher’s rank must not exceed that of the tier of the Master Teacher Pavilion he was crashing, and he must be a local in the region as well. It was due to these two restrictions that only a small number of people had succeeded in pavilion crashing over the past several dozen millenniums. The very fact that the young man had successfully crashed a Master Teacher Pavilion was enough to show that he wielded extraordinary talent.

 “But no matter how formidable he might be, he’s still nothing more than a countryside bumpkin. Young Master, if you had used the power of your bloodline earlier, there was no way he would have been a match for you!” pranay said. What that made Sage Clans extremely frightening wasn’t their talent but their bloodline. “Indeed, it won’t be too difficult for me to defeat him if I were to tap into my bloodline. 

However, using that ability will drain me greatly, and I won’t be able to recover in the short-run either. Given that the final selection is coming up, I can’t afford to deplete myself at this point in time…” jeet shook his head. It was not that he didn’t want to use the power of his bloodline but he dared not to. 

The power of his bloodline would exhaust his strength by far too much, such that even if he managed to teach that young man a lesson, his performance in the final selection would be impeded as a result… If so, he would be severely punished when he returned to the shen kabila. The shen kabila also valued the slots for the Sanctum of Sages greatly as well. “What do we do then?” pranay asked. “There’s no need to worry.”

 jeet harrumphed as he narrowed his eyes menacingly. “Let him immerse himself in his glee for a couple of days. Once I get into the Elite Division of the Sanctum of Sages, he would be nothing more than a helpless bug in my grasp!” “That’s true…” pranay nodded in realization. Naturally, students of differing degree of talent and strength had to be groomed under different environment and conditions. 

For this reason, the students of the Sanctum of Sages were allocated to one of the two divisions based on the results of the final selection, namely the Elite Division and the Ordinary Division. The Elite Division was where most geniuses were gathered. They were groomed to be future Sages, and they stood a far better chance at entering the Inner Sanctum in the future. 

Comparatively, the conditions for those in the Ordinary Division were considerably poorer. jeet’s goal wasn’t just to clear the final selection; he wanted to get into the Elite Division as well, becoming one of the top existences amongst the students! “With the greater degree of authority I would wield as a member of the Elite Division, I would be able to make his life in the Sanctum of Sages a living hell! 

After I have my fun with him, I shall have him expelled from the Sanctum of Sages so as to carve it deep in his mind that the shen kabila isn’t an existence whom he can offend!” jeet sneered as his eyes turned completely cold. At this moment, he suddenly recalled something, and he turned his head over, “Right, what’s that fellow called?”

 After all that had been said and done, jeet suddenly realized that he didn’t even know what the young man was called. “He goes by the surname of shen as well, but he isn’t from our shen kabila. His name is vipin!” pranay replied. “vipin? You said that the young man earlier is called vipin?” Before jeet could even speak, fairy charu had already abruptly interjected in with an anxious look on her face. 

“Yes, his name is vipin. He’s just a lowly figure who walked out of Tianxuan Kingdom, and he still has the cheek to adopt the same surname as us…” pranay harrumphed coldly. However, before he could finish his words, pranay’s body suddenly stiffened. A surge of chilling energy had abruptly gripped his body. Following which, a palm suddenly flew for his face. Pah! With a resounding echo, pranay was sent flying out before crashing heavily into the ground.

 His shattered teeth scattered all over the floor, and blood spurted out of his mouth endlessly. Seeing this, jeet stepped forward and asked with a livid expression, “Fairy charu, what do you mean by this?” The person who had just made a move earlier was fairy charu, but why would she suddenly turn on them all of a sudden? “jeet, you better keep the mouth of your subordinate in check. 

And you as well, if I were to find out that you have been disrespectful to vipin, vipin… Let it be known that our Glacier Plain Court won’t sit idly!” Placing her hands coldly behind her back, fairy charu spoke with unquestionable conviction. 


Chapter 1291: - kundan’s Mental Breakdown Source: E-NOVEL.NET


“You are going to fall out with me over that vipin?” jeet could hardly believe what he had just heard. He did all of this in order to win the goodwill of fairy charu and the Glacier Plain Court, but why did it seem like his efforts were backfiring on him? Weren’t you so angry at him that you even wanted to make a move on him earlier? Why are you protecting him now? “jeet, the previous slap was just a warning. I hope that you will know what’s best for yourself!” fairy charu waved her hands casually.

 “You… Why? I want to know why!” Overwhelmed with rage, jeet bellowed in agitation. He really couldn’t understand how the woman before him could be so fickle in her attitude. “You don’t need to know why. Just know that if you dare to cause any trouble to vipin, you will be making an enemy out of me as well!” fairy charu replied with a steely and determined tone. From her voice, there was no doubt that her words weren’t just a mere threat. She wouldn’t hesitate to make a move if jeet really dared to do anything to vipin! 

“You…” jeet clenched his fists tightly as his body trembled from anger. He wanted to lash out at the woman before him, and it took the final shreds of his rationality to prevent him from doing so. Putting aside the fact that fairy charu was nowhere weaker than him, he couldn’t afford to offend the Glacier Plain Court at this point in time. “Very well…” jeet stared at fairy charu for a moment longer before suppressing his rage forcefully. Flinging his sleeves, he carried pranay up and walked away.

 He had come all the way here to fawn on fairy charu, only to have his subordinate pummeled by the latter instead… The more he thought about it, the more furious he felt. “vipin, it’s all your fault… If I don’t make you pay the price for that, my surname shall not be shen!” Unable to vent his frustrations of fairy charu, jeet turned all of his hostility toward vipin instead. If not for that brat, how could he possibly suffer such humiliation? His relationship with those from the Glacier Plain Court wouldn’t have turned awry either. 

As this thought flashed across his mind, he turned around to glance in fairy charu’s direction, only to see the latter looking at vipin with a complicated look in her eyes. “Damn it!” Seeing this, jeet’s anger flared up once more. But amidst this anger, some doubts emerged in his mind as well. fairy charu was an aloof person who wouldn’t even bother to keep up conventional politeness before others. 

Why would she suddenly regard that fellow so highly? Was she charmed by him? … “Senior charu, jeet is an exceptional individual, be it in terms of background or talent. Is it really wise to fall out with him like that?” another young lady from the Glacier Plain Court walked up to fairy charu and asked. She had gone off for a moment earlier, so she didn’t hear the earlier conversation. All she saw was Senior charu making a move on jeet’s subordinate, and this act left her deeply perplexed. 

Regardless of which aspect one was looking from, jeet was an outstanding master teacher. It would be best to befriend such a person rather than to make an enemy out of him, so why would Senior charu suddenly fall out with one another? “Do you know who the young man here with us earlier was?” fairy charu asked. The young lady pondered for a moment before shaking her head, “I have no idea.” “He’s vipin, vipin!” fairy charu replied with a grim expression. “vipin… vipin?!

 Senior charu, you can’t be saying that… he’s the man who resolved the problems in our cultivation techniques, our benefactor?” the young lady’s body froze on the spot. “That’s him! If I’m not mistaken, he’s our young court chief’s teacher as well…” fairy charu continued. “H-how is that possible?” The young lady widened her eyes in disbelief. Their Glacier Plain Court’s Yin Formula and Yang Formula were powerful but fundamentally flawed, which resulted in the premature deaths of the cultivators practicing them. 

Even those who had reached Saint realm would survive no more than three hundred years, paling far in comparison to the average thousand years lifespan most ordinary Saint realm cultivators would have. Like flowers, the young ladies of the Glacier Plain Court blossomed for just a short moment before withering in desolation.

 fairy charu and the others thought that they were bound to walk down the same road as well, but a gift from the heavens descended upon them… Eight months ago, when Elder punit brought their current young court chief back, she also handed over a revised copy of their Yin Formula and Yang Formula over to the Glacier Plain Court. 

The revised version had resolved the various side effects that cultivating the Yin Formula and the Yang Formula would cause, allowing their lifespan to revert back to the length of an ordinary cultivator! Even though news concerning the origin of the revised cultivation technique had been suppressed by the upper echelons, fairy charu, as one of the core members of the Glacier Plain Court, still managed to learn a thing or two about it. 

From what she had heard, it was the teacher of their young court chief who created the revised version, a master teacher named ‘vipin’… All along, fairy charu had envisioned the benefactor to be an old man, at least an 8-star master teacher at minimum. Yet, who could have thought that he would be so young, roughly the same age as them! “By revising the cultivation technique, he has bestowed upon us a new life…” Realizing this as well, the young lady’s face flushed crimson in agitation. 

“Indeed. Given how indebted we are to him, it’s really unforgivable that I have attempted to make a move on him… Should we head over to pay our respects to him, as well as to apologize for my earlier mistake?” fairy charu asked awkwardly. “Sounds good.” The young lady nodded. She quickly gathered the rest of the members of the Glacier Plain Court who weren’t around previously and explained the situation to them as well, and they revealed looks of shock as well. Their gazes couldn’t help but drift in vipin’s direction. … “How can you be so reckless?”

 Looking at vipin, kundan couldn’t help but berate furiously. The other party was a genius of the shen kabila! To knock him into the ground with a single slap, humiliating him in such a manner… That was equivalent to thoroughly offending the shen kabila! How was he going to survive in the Sanctum of Sages after this matter? “I only intended to ask a few questions, but jeet just had to stick his leg into the matter for no reason.” vipin replied nonchalantly. As powerful as the shen kabila was, they couldn’t possibly do whatever they want in the Sanctum of Sages. 

One had to play by the rules here! And as long as it was they were playing within the rules, there was really nothing for vipin to fear! If forced to a corner, vipin didn’t mind going all out to bring down whatever influence the shen kabila had in the Sanctum of Sages! “The only reason why you are able to remain calm is because you don’t understand the extent of the influence that the shen kabila wields in the Sanctum of Sages. 

If you were to know, there’s no way you would be thinking the same anymore…” Seeing that vipin didn’t care at all, kundan shook his head and said, “Why don’t I put it this way for you? The Sanctum of Sages is an academy that towers above the Sage Clans, but as the number one clan, the numbers of slots that the shen kabila receives each year is really substantial, and most of their dispatched candidates are able to successfully clear the final selection as well.

 Their clan members could be found in every single grade, and they dominate most of the important roles in the academy as well… Offending one of them would be equivalent to offending all of them. Once that happens, no matter what you attempt to do in the Sanctum of Sages, you will find yourself impeded at every step.” Sometimes, it was more frightening and troublesome to offend a ruffian than an official. 

At least officials would still be bound by rules and selfdecency, but ruffians would stoop to anything to make your life a living hell. “Even if they have the numbers, they wouldn’t dare to mess around in the Sanctum of Sages.” vipin replied nonchalantly. “Even if they don’t mess around, just following the rules will be enough to leave you with a headache. Putting everything aside, if all of them were to challenge you one by one, do you think that you’ll still have time to cultivate?” kundan asked. 

“That would really be troublesome…” vipin scratched his head. Indeed. Even if vipin was able to defeat all of those challengers, their pestering would still be more than enough to annoy him to no end. That would indeed be difficult to deal with. “Furthermore, you didn’t just offend the shen kabila just now, you offended the Glacier Plain Court as well. Even if the influence of the Glacier Plain Court in the Sanctum of Sages pales in comparison to the shen kabila, it’s still not to be underestimated. 

Furthermore, due to the nature of their group, their rallying power is no joke either! Just a call, and countless helpers would come their way. As long as they were to openly express their hostility, there would be plenty of geniuses who would be willing to teach you a lesson in their stead!” kundan continued on. 

It was one thing that the members of the Glacier Plain Court were all ladies, but they were top-notch beauties at that. It was for this reason that most people were fixated on the idea of marrying a lady from the Glacier Plain Court. As such, the Glacier Plain Court also became one of the powers which no one dared to offend. The endless stream of trouble that could ensue from crossing them would really be able to give anyone a headache. vipin sure knew how to pick his enemies! 

He had warned the young man so many times against it, but he still ran over to provoke them… Can’t you just quietly wait here for the final selection to start? How good would that be? What were the words you have said earlier? Low profile? Are you sure that this can be considered as low profile? If that was low profile, there would be no one high profile in the world! 

“Listen to my advice and apologize to those from the Glacier Plain Court. I think there’s still some room for reconciliation with them. Otherwise, if the two of them combine their forces to deal with you, even ten lives wouldn’t be enough for them to take!” kundan pondered for a moment before advising. While he was only in charge of bringing them here, he had a good opinion of vipin. He didn’t hope for the latter to suffer over a moment of folly just after he had entered the Sanctum of Sages.

 “This…” Just as vipin scratched his head, not knowing how to respond to those words, vipin liaoshi’s anxious voice suddenly sounded by the side, “The members of the Glacier Plain Court are making their way over to us…” “Ah?” kundan and vipin quickly turned their gazes over, and indeed, fairy charu and the other young ladies from the Glacier Plain Court were walking in their direction. 

They might still have been able to pray that the young ladies from the Glacier Plain Court were just walking coincidentally in their direction, but those impassioned gazes fixated on vipin had completely ruled out that possibility. “They must be here to thrash it out with you, vipin. I fear that they might have already come to some sort of agreement with jeet. This is really bad…” kundan frowned in worry. 

Too anxious to drag vipin away, he didn’t see fairy charu making a move on pranay earlier. So, when the entire group from the Glacier Plain Court marched imposingly in their direction, he immediately thought that they were here to cause them trouble. “vipin, you should first apologize to them before they say anything later on… At the very least, try to appease them before they do anything!” kundan anxiously sent a telepathic message over to vipin. “Apologize to them?” 

vipin felt deeply conflicted at this moment. “How should I go around doing it?” Apologizing wasn’t a big deal to him, but he knew that he hadn’t done wrong this time around, so he really couldn’t bring himself to admit that it was his fault! “How to go around doing it?” Not expecting vipin to have such a low emotional quotient, kundan nearly tore his hair out in exasperation. “Alright, I’ll guide you step by step. Just repeat after me word for word, alright?”

 “As soon as they come, say these words, ‘Fairy charu, please forgive me for my bluntness earlier. I’ll apologize to you sincerely here, so I hope that you can overlook my faux pas…'” “… Alright then.” Knowing that kundan was doing this for his good, vipin eventually decided to go along with his plan after a moment of hesitation. By the time he memorized those words from kundan, the young ladies of the Glacier Plain Court were already standing before him. 

Thus, he cleared his throat and began on his monologue, “Fairy charu…” But before he could finish his words, the young lady before him had already bowed deeply and said, “vipin, please forgive me for my bluntness earlier. I’ll apologize to you sincerely here, so I hope that you can overlook my faux pas…” “Ah?” Hearing oddly familiar words coming from fairy charu’s mouth, vipin was stunned. 

“Cough cough!” kundan also widened his eyes in shock, and he nearly collapsed to the ground. Wasn’t the other party here to cause trouble? Why did they suddenly start apologizing instead? More importantly, to be saying the exact same words which he had just taught vipin… “This is a specialty from our Glacier Plain Court, Wintry Spirit Essence. It has exceptional effects for those who are at Leaving Aperture realm. If you don’t find it too shabby, please do accept my gift. 

It’s a compensation for my earlier rudeness…” Before the both of them could recover from their shock, fairy charu had already whipped out a jade bottle and passed it over. “Wintry Spirit Essence? B-but that’s one of the most valuable resources in the Glacier Plain Court! Even a single bottle would cost a thousand concentrated high-tier spirit stones…” kundan widened his eyes in shock, and he nearly choked on his own saliva. 

Wintry Spirit Essence was a rare commodity even in the Glacier Plain Court, and it was barely sufficient for their internal consumption. As such, it was nearly impossible to find it in the open market. Yet, fairy charu was actually intending to give it to vipin just like that… Just what in the world was going on?

 Weren’t they marching here angrily to pick a bone with vipin? Why were they moving around carefully instead, apologizing and even passing over a gift as well? Unable to make sense of the perplexing situation before him, kundan felt a little light-headed. 


Chapter 1292: - vipin's Decision 

“Wintry Spirit Essence?” vipin did not expect the other party to offer him a gift after apologizing. He froze for a moment before taking a glance at the jade bottle. The jade bottle was not too big, but there was a freezing air emanating from it, threatening to freeze someone into an ice cube at any moment.

 At the same time, spiritual energy even more concentrated than concentrated hightier spirit stones could be felt pulsating within the jade bottle. Even though vipin had never heard of the item before, he could tell at first glance that it was something extraordinarily valuable. With just the spiritual energy contained inside, he would have no trouble pushing for a breakthrough to Half-Leaving Aperture realm. In fact, even reaching Leaving Aperture realm with it did not seem impossible.

 “That’s right. vipin, please do accept it. It’s a token of my goodwill,” fairy charu urged anxiously. Since she had cultivated the cultivation technique that vipin had altered, that made the young man a half-teacher to her. On top of that, the young man was the teacher of their young court chief. Had she not thought that the young man was trying to chat her up and attempted to make a move, jeet would not have been drawn in, and the whole string of trouble would not have happened. 

No matter what, she had to make it up to the other party. “This…” vipin blinked blankly. Previously, kundan had spoken of the matter with extreme graveness, urging him to admit his fault and apologize, making it seem as if the young ladies from the Glacier Plain Court were terrifying monsters. But from how he saw it, they seemed rather easy to approach, and they were very cordial. 

It was completely unlike what kundan had said earlier! Seeing that vipin was still hesitating, fairy charu thought that he was still angry, and she urged him anxiously. “vipin, we won’t be able to rest well if you refuse to accept our gift…” “This… Alright then. Since it’s a token of your goodwill, I won’t hold back!” Judging from the other party’s attitude, it felt that she would never let him go if he refused her gift, so he could only helplessly reach out to take the jade bottle. Relief visibly flashed across fairy charu’s face for a moment. “Thank you for your understanding, vipin.”

 Since the young man was willing to accept her gift, she saw this as a sign that he was willing to put aside their differences and forgive her. “You’re too polite.” vipin clasped his fist in response. Then, with a slightly perplexed tone, he asked, “I was rather impolite to you earlier as well, so why would… you all apologize to me instead?” He could not make sense of the situation. It was just a moment ago that the other party had been so furious that she had wanted to make a move on him, but a few minutes later, she suddenly approached him to give him a gift. 

Even for a change of mind, that was way too fast! “This…” fairy charu and the others glanced at one another, and bitter smiles surfaced on their lips. “It’s because…” Just as she was about to begin explaining, the ruckus in the surroundings abruptly vanished, to the point where one could even hear a pin drop. Following which, three figures flew over from the distance and stopped in the air above the square, emanating powerful auras.

 All three of them were old men. vipin found himself unable to gauge how powerful they were, but the powerful auras that they emanated left one feeling as if they could tear a person apart with just a glare. Beneath his sleeves, vipin clenched his fists tightly. They possess even greater power than aalee. aalee was a Saint 7-dan expert, so did that mean that those three in the sky were at Saint 8-dan? With such strength, they could already be ranked at the top of the Master Teacher Continent! kundan sent a telepathic message to vipin to explain the situation. 

“They are the elders of the Sanctum of Sages, and they are in charge of invigilating the final selection.” “I see…” vipin nodded in response. As expected of the Sanctum of Sages! The strength of their elders was really at a wholly different level! “Candidates!” The old man standing at the very front spoke. “The three of us will be overseeing the selection this time around.

 I am 8-star Master Teacher Liu Haoyu, and you can address me as elder moksh. The esteemed gentleman on my left is Elder chinmay, and the one on my right is Elder lavnik.” His voice was not particularly loud, but it resounded clearly in everyone’s ears. It felt like even if one were cover one’s ears, the voice would still resonate right within one’s mind, preventing one from shutting it off altogether. 

Demonic tunist… and a particularly high-ranked one at that! vipin noted with a grim expression. As a demonic tunist himself, he was able to tell that there was something amiss with the other party’s voice. He had already comprehended the level of ‘the greatest sound is silence, and the greatest form is formless’. 

For even the simplest words to wield such strength… If the elder tapped into the power of his Primordial Spirit as well, most probably, every single person standing in the square would be put into a trance immediately. A Saint 8-dan master teacher was indeed frightening. Even a casual gesture from them could wield so much power. “I believe the guides should have informed you all of the entrance examination to our Sanctum of Sages—challenging the Mountain Gate,” elder moksh said as he grabbed at the space in front of him. 

Huala! A massive gate abruptly warped into appearance before the crowd. A brilliant light shimmered within the gate, making it impossible for one to tell what was on the other side. “Could this be… a Teleportation Formation for living beings?” vipin was taken aback. Legend had it that 8-star formation masters were capable of not just transmitting holograms and words but even lifeforms. 

The gate before his eyes caused significant disturbances in space, and it felt as if stepping in would bring him into a whole new world. Chances were that it was the legendary Teleportation Formation that he had heard so much about. “It’s indeed a Teleportation Formation.” kundan confirmed vipin’s supposition. “The Mountain Gate examination won’t be held within the Sanctum of Sages but a unique folded space. A Teleportation Formation is required in order to enter the area.” “Folded space?”

 vipin pondered for a moment before nodding. Based on what he had heard about the Mountain Gate so far, it sounded far more complex than the Caged Battle Royale. Considering how there were over ten thousand candidates participating in the final selection simultaneously and each candidate would face a test unique to them, space was bound to be a huge problem. However, if the test were to be conducted in a folded space, everything would make sense. 

He had a folded space himself too, the faraj Palace. As such, he was rather familiar with it. “In the Mountain Gate examination, the difficulty will be altered based on your individual capability. Each person will be faced with tests vastly different from others’, so there’s no point taking the experiences of preceding candidates as reference,” elder moksh advised, gazing down upon the crowd. 

“You just have to try your best and deal with whatever comes before you to the best of your ability. “As for the tabulation of the results, there’s no need for you to worry about that. The Sanctum of Sages has a unique artifact known as the Jade Tablet of Trials, and it will make a fair evaluation of your performance in the tests based on established criteria. The higher you are scored, the more likely you will pass the examination. “This year, the Sanctum of Sages will be taking in five hundred students. 

So, we will only be taking in those who score within the top five hundred.” “The Sanctum of Sages is only accepting five hundred students this year?” “But there are at least ten thousand people here! Five hundred… Isn’t that one in twenty?” “It really won’t be easy!” … Hearing how competitive the final selection would be, unease and trepidation could be seen on most of the faces among the crowd. At the same time, vipin could not help frowning as well.

 Those who were currently standing in the square were all the top geniuses gathered throughout the Master Teacher Continent, experts among experts. To finish in the top five percent of them all was truly no easy task. It was no wonder kundan had said that it was possible for not even a single one of them to make the cut. Considering the harsh requirements, it was indeed not easy to succeed. 

Even vipin did not have absolute confidence in the final selection. In a sense, this was a testimony to the strength of the Sanctum of Sages. If every single batch of candidates of the Sanctum of Sages had to go through this harsh selection, just how powerful would those who managed to stay till the end be? “kundan, what is the Jade Token of Trials?” one of the master teachers asked kundan with a perplexed look on his face. “In the Mountain Gate examination, each individual will be faced with different tests. 

For example, if a Primordial Spirit realm advanced stage cultivator and a Primordial Spirit realm pinnacle cultivator encounter a Primordial Spirit realm pinnacle saint beast and defeat it, naturally, the Primordial Spirit realm advanced stage cultivator will be awarded with more points. The Jade Token of Trials is a unique artifact that serves to tabulate these deeds into a score before compiling them into a scoreboard. The higher one’s score is, the better one’s final result will be!” kundan explained.

“I see…” Everyone nodded in realization. “Then… other than defeating saint beasts, what else in the tests will add to our score?” another master teacher asked. Since the Jade Tablet of Trials worked by converting accomplishments into a corresponding score, it stood to reason that there was an established system for its calculation. As stated previously, there were many different tests, so not all of them would be concerning saint beasts. Surely, there should be other ways of earning points too. 

“So far, some of the known possible tests are defeating saint beasts, breaking through a formation, sensing danger in advance, and lecturing a crowd. As long as you perform well in these tests, you will be able to earn some points. Other than that, skillful utilization of one’s capability in some unique occupations will also earn one bonus points, such as in spirit enchantment, terpsichorean arts, and painting. 

As long as you display proficiency exceeding that of the other candidates, those could be considered as accomplishments as well, and the Jade Tablet of Trials will take them into account,” kundan explained. “In other words, as long as you possess a skill that others don’t have and perform it in the tests, they will be noted down by the Jade Tablet of Trials and added to your final score, thus helping you stand out from the other candidates!” Hearing those words, the crowd could not help but clench their fists tightly in agitation. 

As easy and fair as the test might have seemed, it was actually far more difficult than it sounded. If one was competing with just a couple of people, one was bound to have a skill that stood out from the others. However, amid a crowd of over ten thousand geniuses, any seemingly outstanding capability would only appear ordinary in comparison. Someone might be good at painting, but there was bound to be another one amid the group who was better at it than that person. 

The same went for the other occupations. As the saying went, ‘there is always a mountain higher than the one before you’. It was definitely no easy feat to reach the peak. “The capabilities one can display aren’t just limited to hard skills. Outstanding management and leadership skills can also add to one’s score, but of course, those might be harder to display. The aim of the Sanctum of Sages is to further the wisdom of mankind, thus bringing mankind to reach greater heights. 

Naturally, the benchmark for enrollment is much higher than other academies.” Seeing the tensed look on the faces of the group, kundan chuckled softly to alleviate the atmosphere. “However, there’s no need to worry. Just as I have said before, as long as you work hard and perform to the best of your abilities, your shine will definitely catch the attention of the Sanctum of Sages!” “Yes!” The group nodded before falling into deep contemplation to figure out what their outstanding traits were.

 vipin also stroked his lower jaw and pondered. A while later, he could not help but shake his head—he did not seem to have any outstanding traits at all! Lecturing, formation deciphering, terpsichorean arts, painting… While he was rather proficient in all of those, those could not be considered his specialty! For example, his painting—while he had achieved a level of proficiency comparable to ordinary 8-star primary painters, the geniuses of the Painter Guild that were participating in the final selection were bound to be able to outdo him.

 The same went for pill forging, smithing, and the like. His mastery of those supporting occupations could be considered outstanding among master teachers, but to those who truly devoted their lives to those arts, it was inevitable that he would still be lacking. Well, if I really have to choose a specialty… that would probably be disguising!vipin thought. His supporting occupations were all so-so, roughly around the same level. There were none that particularly stood out.

 If he really had to list a strength that he was proud of, that would be ‘acting like an expert’! After all, his disguise as inder shen had been able to fool even aalee. So far, he had never made any major slip-ups in his disguise before, and that should be more than enough to show his incredible aptitude in the art! Just that… will acting like an expert really add to my score? vipin’s face collapsed.

 It was hard to imagine any formal academy that would take into account one’s ability to act as an expert as one of its entrance criteria! It seemed like his strongest capability would not be able to help him here. Forget it. If it comes down to it, I’ll just execute a couple of my less outstanding techniques. 

As long as I utilize enough of them, I should be able to acquire a decent score, vipin thought. No matter what, he was determined to enter the Sanctum of Sages. This was the road leading him to Pratyusha, and he could not let the journey end just here. 


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