library of heavens edited script 1241-1243 \\ number zero pocket fm


Chapter 1241: - Heavenly Impartation of Mentor's Calligraphy

“That’s right!” aalim said with a cold glint in his eyes. “Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy?” vipin was taken aback for a moment before slowly nodding. There were some details about the Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy in the books of the rosaat Empire Master Teacher Pavilion, so he did have some understanding of it. Impartation of Heaven’s Will was an ability that could be triggered through one’s Soul Depth when one’s words were aligned with the essence of the world.

 It served to place the students into a trance, allowing them to better absorb the knowledge that was being imparted. At the same time, it would also generate certain phenomena in the surroundings, such as drawing in spiritual energy, to further support the learning of the students. The more profound and aligned the content was to the essence of the world, the more effective the Impartation of Heaven’s Will would be. 

Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy was similar to Impartation of Heaven’s Will in terms of the principles behind them, but the former was achieved through using an artifact known as the Brush of Heavenly Impartation as a medium. The Brush of Heaven’s Impartation was not a Saint-tier artifact.

 Rather, it was a unique artifact that was infused with the will of master teachers, and it was capable of discerning the authenticity of the words spoken by other master teachers. If the words spoken were aligned with the essence of the world and offered a fresh perspective on the topic, the Brush of Heaven’s Impartation would automatically move to pen down the essence of those words in the form of characters. 

The observation of those characters penned down could generate an effect reminiscent of the Impartation of Heaven’s Will to the individual, thus hastening the latter’s cultivation significantly. Of course, the characters penned down by the Brush of Heavenly Impartation would not exist eternally. After one observation, the characters would disappear. There were two reasons the Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy was considered the most difficult challenge of Impartation of Heaven’s Will. 

Firstly, the Brush of Heavenly Impartation was infused with the ideas and understanding of innumerable master teachers, so it had already seen its fair share of ordinary Impartations of Heaven’s Will. In order to prompt it into action, the content lectured had to be innovative compared to the other master teachers. Secondly, it was extremely taxing on one’s Soul Depth, even more exhausting than conducting an entire lecture. On average, the writing of a single character could expend 1.0 Soul Depth of a master teacher. 

It was for these two reasons that it had left countless master teachers defeated. There were many 7-star pinnacle master teachers who were unable to invoke the movement of the Brush of Heavenly Impartation even after a long lecture, and even for quasi 8-star master teachers, the most characters anyone had evoked from the Brush of Heavenly Will in a single sitting was ten. 

Nearly no one had been able to break that record. “The Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy is extremely damaging to one’s Soul Depth. Are you sure you want to choose this for the duel?” prachi asked with a darkened complexion. To make the Brush of Heaven’s Impartation write was extremely taxing on one’s Soul Depth. If a master teacher accidentally pushed themself too far, it could lead to their state of mind collapsing altogether, and their many years of cultivation would be ruined.

 As such, this duel would not only be difficult but dangerous as well. “I am sure!” aalim replied firmly. “You…” prachi frowned at aalim for a moment before turning her gaze to vipin. “vipin, what’s your view on this matter? If you don’t wish to proceed with the duel, you can always turn it down.” As she said those words to vipin, she also secretly sent him a telepathic message. 

“aalim has specially studied Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy, and he has achieved the outstanding record of having the Brush of Heavenly Impartation pen down eight characters. You have never used the Brush of Heavenly Impartation, so it’ll be extremely difficult for you to defeat him. Why don’t you just turn down his proposal and choose another type of duel?” 

Without prior experience with the Brush of Heavenly Impartation, it was difficult to ascertain what kind of content excited it, making it nigh impossible for it to move. So far, there had nearly been no master teachers who had managed to get the Brush of Heavenly Impartation to move on their first attempt. 

The reason aalim had proposed this challenge was because he possessed a Brush of Heavenly Impartation, and he had even achieved an outstanding record of eight characters. Given that ten characters were the very limits of a quasi 8-star master teacher, his record of eight characters would put him among the top in the field even in the Qianchong Empire Master Teacher Pavilion. Indubitably, aalim had an overwhelming advantage in this challenge, making this duel unfair for vipin.

 “It’s fine, let’s just go along with his rules.” Knowing that prachi was advising him out of goodwill, vipin directed a nod along with a smile toward her to express his gratitude. It was just Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy. While he had never come into contact with it before, he did not think that it would be too difficult. “Alright then.” Seeing how nonchalantly vipin accepted the duel, prachi could not help but shake her head. With a flick of her wrist, a floating golden brush appeared before everyone’s eyes.

 It was roughly a chi 1 long, and there was no ink on its tip. When scanning it with one’s Spiritual Perception, one could feel an aura unique to master teachers from it, inducing a slight pressure on one. With a tap, the brush quietly took its place between the duo. After which, prachi looked at the duo and said, “This is the Brush of Heavenly Impartation. Who will be going first?” 

“Since aalim was the one who has proposed the rules of the duel, let’s allow him to go first,” vipin said humbly. While he had read the records concerning Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy, he had never tried it himself before, so he was not too certain of the rules concerning it. By allowing the other party to go first, he would have a chance to examine how the Brush of Heavenly Impartation should be used. 

“Very well!” aalim nodded. He took two steps toward the brush, and his lips began moving. There was no sound to be heard—he was communicating with the brush via zhenqi telepathy. Fearing that vipin would not understand, prachi secretly informed him via zhenqi telepathy. “Through using zhenqi telepathy, the effects of the Impartation of Heaven’s Will are more directed, and that makes it easier to move the Brush of Heavenly Impartation.” Hearing those words, vipin nodded. 

Indeed, there was a vast difference between lecturing an individual and lecturing a group of people. Naturally, one-to-one guidance from a teacher would be more nurturing and effective as compared to a one-to-many guidance. Through using zhenqi telepathy, the effects of the Impartation of Heaven’s Will would be more directed, thus reducing unnecessary wastage of energy. 

Proceeding with his impartation, aalim’s lips never stopped once, and it did not take long before sweat droplets began appearing on his forehead. However, the brush before him remained completely motionless, as if it had been fixed in place. Using his Spiritual Perception to assess the situation, vipin could clearly sense that aalim’s Soul Depth was rapidly falling with time. 

Hu! After some time, the silent brush finally began moving. With swift strokes, a massive character soon appeared in the sky. Suspended Imagery! The character written by the Brush of Heavenly Impartation was not of a language vipin was familiar with; it was not the language of a human, Otherworldly Demon, or the Beast Tribe. It was a character he had never ever seen before. 

But while he could not recognize the character, he found that he was vaguely able to understand the meaning and conception behind it. If a normal cultivator studied the character, their zhenqi might have been driven to cultivate according to the method depicted within it. “By scanning the character with your Spiritual Perception, you will be able to learn the ideas infused within the character. However, the character will disappear after a single scan,” prachi explained to vipin.

 Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy could be considered a form of Impartation of Heaven’s Will, being able to drive a cultivator’s zhenqi through the profound knowledge harnessed within the written characters. As long as a cultivator scanned the characters with their Spiritual Perception, they would find their body cultivating the technique uncontrollably. However, the characters produced through Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy could only be used once. 

No matter how profound or mystical the cultivation technique infused within the character was, it could only be viewed by one person. In a sense, it could be said that the characters were storable Impartation of Heaven’s Will that master teachers could gift to those whom they viewed to be fated with them. In view of precious knowledge harnessed within these characters, they were extremely high in demand and valuable. 

However, due to the difficulty in Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy, it was one of those commodities that could not be bought with just money. With the appearance of the first character, the droplets of sweat on aalim’s head grew more and more numerous. The second character swiftly followed after the first, and then the third and fourth… As the number of characters increased, aalim’s face grew paler and paler. It seemed like he had expended too much of his Soul Depth, and it was already about to be sapped dry. 

Quasi 8-star master teachers had a Soul Depth of 23 and above, but they could not afford to expend all of it in a single breath or else it could lead to the breakdown of their state of mind, and that could potentially introduce countless inner demons in their minds. Typically speaking, a quasi 8-star master teacher would be in a dangerous position once their Soul Depth fell beneath 15. 

Activating his Eye of Insight, vipin observed aalim intently. As the number of characters written increased, the latter’s body trembled with greater and greater intensity, and his Primordial Spirit was starting to show signs of breaking down. It was fortunate that his Primordial Spirit had been tempered by four lightning tribulations, or else it would have already succumbed. “Six, seven, eight… Eight characters! That is his record so far…” By the tenth minute, there were already eight characters floating silently in the sky, emanating a brilliant glow. 

Eight words were aalim’s record so far, as well as his limit. His body trembled non-stop, and it looked as if he would collapse to the ground at any moment. His face was also as pale as a sheet of paper, and there was not the slightest trace of color to be seen. However, it appeared that aalim still had no intention of stopping as he continued communicating with the Brush of Heavenly Impartation through his zhenqi telepathy. 

Seeing this, vipin said with a frown, “If you continue pushing yourself, you will inflict irreparable harm to your body.” Be it in cultivation or Impartation of Heaven’s Will, a cultivator should always take note of their own limits and strive not to overexert themself. Otherwise, the overwhelming burden they had forced upon their body could very well cause it permanent impairment. As a 7-star pinnacle physician, he could tell that aalim had already reached his limits. 

Perhaps he would be able to achieve unprecedented results if he forced himself on, but he would also be inflicting permanent damage on his body and possibly his state of mind. It could cause his soul depth to stagnate permanently, and as a master teacher, that would mean that aalim would be doomed to remain a quasi 8-star master teacher for life, unable to ascend to greater heights. Hu! Hu! Hu! Despite his poor condition, aalim still gritted his teeth and forced himself on. 

All of a sudden, a spurt of blood escaped from his mouth, and in just a mere instant, it seemed like he had grown much older. Huala! The brush in the air moved once more and wrote the ninth character. Peng! That single character seemed to have stolen every single last bit of strength aalim had. He fell weakly to the ground and fainted. “Jeez, is there any point going this far?”

 Seeing how aalim had pushed himself to his limits for the sake of achieving victory, vipin could not help but shake his head in disapproval. To throw away whatever future he had just to get even with him… that fellow sure was tenacious. Sighing deeply, he walked up to aalim and placed his finger on the latter’s acupoints before sending a surge of zhenqi in. A moment later, aalim slowly opened his eyes. 

“You…” Gritting his teeth furiously, aalim struggled to his feet, and with a livid face, he spat, “It’s too late to show your goodwill. It won’t change a thing…” vipin shrugged. “Whatever pleases you.” He had only saved the other party out of his obligation as a master teacher. Whether the other party appreciated his favor or not, it did not matter to him. After regaining consciousness, aalim quickly took out a pill and ate it, and only then did his complexion finally improve slightly. 

Following that, he turned to prachi and said, “prachi, I have completed my Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy. I hope that you can bear witness to my results!” “You have written a total of nine characters. While it has not broken the highest record of ten characters among quasi 8-star master teachers, you have indeed performed exceptionally,” prachi replied with a nod. The result of nine characters was nothing much among 8-star master teachers, but indubitably, it was an exceptional result among quasi 8-star master teachers. 

Even the head of the Qianchong Empire Master Teacher Pavilion was unlikely to be able to rival this feat. “Thank you for your compliment, prachi.” Seeing that prachi had acknowledged his results, aalim glanced at vipin with narrowed eyes. “vipin, it’s your turn now.” “Very well.” vipin nodded. He had seen how the other party had carried out the Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy previously, and that had given him a good idea of how he should go about doing it as well. 

He walked up to the floating Brush of Heavenly Impartation, and with his hands behind his back, he began lecturing it telepathically. His mouth opened and closed swiftly, making it hard to discern what he was talking about. The brush was still fidgeting slightly in the air earlier, but upon hearing vipin’s words, it suddenly froze completely, as if someone had nailed it in place. “It has been nearly an hour now, so why is there no movement from the brush yet?”

 “It can’t be that vipin cannot get a single character out of the Brush of Heavenly Impartation, right?” “If that’s really the case, it would really be terrible…” After waiting for nearly an hour, the brush remained completely motionless in the air. At this point, the crowd had begun looking at one another, a little apprehensive at the current situation. 

Within the same period, aalim had made the Brush of Heavenly Impartation write down seven to eight words. Why would there be no movement when it came to vipin? Could this mean that… he had failed?


 Chapter 1242: - Why Are You Playing Dead?

“vipin has never tried the Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy before, so it’s inevitable that he’s unfamiliar with the nature of the Brush of Heavenly Impartation. No matter how high his Soul Depth is, it’ll still be hard to bridge this disparity in experience between them.”

 “It’s precisely in view of this that aalim intentionally challenged vipin to this duel. It seems like vipin’s undefeated record is about to come to an end!” “Indeed, there are no ordinary quasi 8-star master teachers out there. He must have seen through vipin’s flaws, so he intentionally proposed such rules to the duel.” … After waiting a while longer, the brush remained completely motionless. The crowd beneath the stage was already beginning to feel a little unnerved. 

Even though Heavenly Impartation of Mentor Calligraphy was considered another offshoot of Impartation of Heaven’s Will, its difficulty was far greater than the latter. There were many talented master teachers who possessed high Soul Depth and exceptional insight in cultivation but failed to cause the Brush of Heavenly Impartation to move on their first attempt as well, and this could have been the situation that vipin was facing. “Benefactor, vipin…” elder manish looked at mohan worriedly.

 It was to save them that the Young Master of their benefactor ended up being challenged by aalim. If the young man came to any harm as a result of this matter, they would never be able to rest in peace. “Don’t worry, our Young Master has never lost in this kind of challenge before!” mohan waved his hand nonchalantly. It had been nearly a year since he had met the Young Master, and they had seen innumerable conflicts and battles within this period of time. In comparison, this matter could not have seemed any more trivial, so how could the Young Master possibly lose? 

In this moment, the confident mohan suddenly saw the Young Master on the execution platform stretching his back lazily, seemingly a little exhausted, before taking a few steps back. “Alright, I’m done.” After which, vipin stopped speaking and stood patiently by the side. Upon seeing this sight, the flabs on mohan’s cheeks began to twitch wildly. The brush had not even moved, and yet, the Young Master actually said that he was done. Wasn’t the Young Master supposed be invincible? 

Could it be that he was unable to push on anymore, so he intended to admit defeat? Upon seeing vipin’s actions, prachi’s face also warped in astonishment. “vipin, there’s no time limit to the Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy. The victor is determined by the number of characters written.” “I know.” vipin waved his hand. “Given how much I have said, it should suffice for me to win.” “Win?” That word made prachi’s eyes roll up, and she nearly choked on her own saliva. 

From the moment you started speaking, the Brush of Heavenly Impartation has not even moved a single inch, as if it was sleeping its way through your lecture. Did you really think that you could win with this? aalim was also stunned for a moment before sneering coldly. “You want to defeat me without having a single character written?” 

Given how the young man could get all of the higher ranking master teachers in the rosaat Empire Master Teacher Pavilion to acknowledge him as their teacher, as well as his feat of successfully crashing the Master Teacher Pavilion, there was little doubt that the other party’s Soul Depth was at least on par with his. As such, he had been worrying that the young man might just make a miracle here and break his current record. However, from the looks of it now… it seemed like he had been worrying in vain! 

If only he had known how weak his opponent was, he would not have forced himself to write the ninth character! What a waste! aalim stepped forward and clasped his fist. “prachi, the results should be clear at this point. You were the one who brought the Brush of Heavenly Impartation here, so there’s no way I could have cheated in the duel. I beseech you to declare the victor of the duel.”

 “This…” prachi hesitated. The Master Teacher Confrontation was only conducted when there was a conflict between two master teachers. The victorious individual would be able to do anything to the losing party without incurring any punishment, and this included murder! However, vipin had just killed the Qingtian Emperor and saved the countless civilians from rosaat City. The contribution he had made to mankind was truly great, so if aalim dealt with him too harshly, it would be hard for her to explain this to the headquarters. “May I know what kind of punishment aalim intends to issue vipin upon your victory? 

Putting aside the fact that he’s a genius who has succeeded in pavilion crashing, more importantly, he also just made a huge contribution to mankind.” Instead of announcing the results, prachi hesitated for a moment before turning to aalim to remind him of who his opponent was. aalim harrumphed coldly. “prachi, rest assured. I won’t kill him. However, he has undermined my dignity and sullied my reputation, and for that, I cannot let him off easily! Firstly, I shall cripple him and make him just like me.

 After that, I will crush the spirit of the cauldron that injured me. Last but not least, I want him to publicly apologize to me!” “You want to make him like you?” prachi’s lips began twitching uncontrollably. While she did not witness the sight with her own eyes, she could still tell the current state aalim was in. By saying that he wanted to make vipin like him, wasn’t the other party effectively saying that he wanted to castrate vipin?

 But… Even though aalim’s intention to castrate vipin was a little gruesome, it was still possible for vipin to fully recover through the Grand Intermittence Pill. The process would be humiliating and excruciating, but at the very least, it would not cause any physical impairment to the young man. As for destroying the spirit of the cauldron and making a public apology, those were at least acceptable conditions. 

“Very well!” After a moment of thought, prachi turned to vipin and said, “vipin, there is no one in the world who can avoid loss their entire life, so you don’t have to take this matter to heart. As long as you live to see another day, there will still be a chance for you to turn the tables…” After saying those words, prachi sighed deeply before turning to the crowd. With a resounding voice, she declared, “Alright, I’m going to announce the results of the duel…” But before prachi could finish her words, vipin suddenly raised his hand and said, “prachi, the duel is still ongoing. Why are you announcing the results now?”

 “The duel is still ongoing? The Brush of Heavenly Impartation has not written out a single character under your Impartation of Heaven’s Will, so I believe the results should already be clear for everyone to see! Stop stalling for time!” aalim sneered coldly. With so many people present to testify for him, not to mention the fact that prachi was presiding over the duel herself, it was impossible vipin to refute the results. 

vipin shook his head. “Isn’t there no time limit to the Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy? The Brush of Heavenly Impartation might not be moving at the moment, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t move later on.” “Later on? Are you joking with me? You should know very well that if the Brush of Heavenly Impartation did not move during your lecture, there’s no way that it will move after it. 

Despite being a 7-star master teacher, are you so gutless as to be unwilling to acknowledge your own defeat?” aalim mocked. Seeing that aalim was unwilling to believe his words, vipin shook his head in disappointment. Just as he was about to explain himself, prachi suddenly sighed and interjected, “vipin, the fact that the Brush of Heavenly Impartation hasn’t moved yet is enough to show that you have already lost.”

 “Lost?” Hearing those words from prachi, the look of disappointment in vipin’s eyes deepened. “prachi, you are unable to discern it as well?” “Discern what?” prachi frowned. “Since none of you can tell, I guess I have no choice…” With a look of helplessness, vipin turned to the unmoving brush in the air and bellowed, “Why are you still playing dead over there? Hurry up and write!”

 I have already given you sufficient time to ponder over the lecture; it’s about time you stop playing dead and get to work! Not expecting vipin to roar at the Brush of Heavenly Impartation like that, everyone was stunned. prachi even nearly collapsed to the ground from shock. “The Brush of Heavenly Impartation has been nourished by the wills of countless master teachers, so it carries the authority of the Way of Teacher. 

Bellowing at it like that will only make it even more reluctant to write…” The Brush of Heavenly Impartation was an extremely proud artifact, such that not even Pavilion Master damodhar of their Empire Alliance Master Teacher Pavilion would dare use such a harsh tone toward it. Yet, this fellow actually insulted it straight to its face. That was as good as completely offending the brush! Putting aside having it write anything for him, it would already be a blessing if it did not scribble on his face as vengeance! Grabbing her forehead out of frustration from the foolish action from the young man, prachi suddenly heard a commotion beneath the execution platform. 

Countless piercing screams echoed in the air, as if something inconceivable had just happened. “What’s wrong?” Frowning, prachi raised her head to look at the Brush of Heavenly Impartation once more, and what she saw left her frozen on the spot. The unmoving Brush of Heavenly Impartation suddenly began shaking intensely as its golden exterior faded into paleness, and a warm glow emanated from within. 

Following that, the spiritual energy in an area of two hundred li swiftly converged toward the brush, sapping the entire area dry within just a few moments. Geji! Geji! Under the nourishment of the spiritual energy, the Brush of Heavenly Impartation seemed to be undergoing an evolution, and a crisp sound reminiscent of a being breaking out of its cocoon echoed in the air. 

“T-this is…” Clenching her fists in agitation, a hint of disbelief surfaced on prachi’s elegant face. “The Brush of Heavenly Impartation… is making a breakthrough?” While the Brush of Heavenly Impartation was not a Saint-tier artifact, there were still differing grades to it. This was similar to how brushes could be of different qualities. Without a doubt, a Brush of Heavenly Impartation nourished by a 9-star master teacher would be vastly different to one nourished by an 8-star master teacher. 

The Brush of Heavenly Impartation that prachi owned could be said to be average. It would not have much trouble penning down the quintessence of the teachings of an 8-star low-tier master teacher, but anything more profound than that would prove to be a challenge for it. Typically speaking, for a Brush of Heavenly Impartation to make a breakthrough, it had to be nourished by the aura of a higher ranked master teacher, so… why would it suddenly achieve a breakthrough after listening to a single lecture from vipin? 

Not to mention, the huge commotion that was happening at the moment was abnormal as well. Without a doubt, this was no ordinary breakthrough. Kacha! Kacha! While everyone was still in a state of shock, the motionless brush finally began to move. An entire line of words appeared before the crowd in the blink of an eye. “One, two, three… eighty-seven… It’s moving too fast for me to count properly!” 

shouted someone amid the crowd. “Look! It’s writing so fast that smoke is rising from its brush tip,” another person shouted. “Smoke?” With a look of horror, aalim quickly turned his gaze to the sky and saw that due to the astounding speed that the Brush of Heavenly Impartation was writing at, a long stream of smoke was rising behind it. Back when he was conducting the Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy, the Brush of Heavenly Impartation wrote every single stroke slowly, as if there was something restraining it. Yet, when it came to vipin, characters seemed to flow out like a flood.

 Did there really have to be such a huge disparity between the two of them? Unlike the flabbergasted crowd, prachi gulped as she uttered with a quivering voice, “This is… the Beacon of Heavenly Impartation!” “Beacon of Heavenly Impartation?” aalim frowned. Despite being a quasi 8-star master teacher, he had never heard such a term before. prachi clenched her fists tighty in agitation as she explained, “The Brush of Heavenly Impartation takes every word that it pens down solemnly, rarely making a move unless it hears something that inspires it. 

However, if it encounters a particularly profound Impartation of Heaven’s Will, it will rush to pen whatever it hears down, leaving behind a trail of smoke in its wake. We named this phenomenon ‘Beacon of Heavenly Impartation’. When in this state, the Brush of Heavenly Impartation will jot down the profoundness of the lecture down word for word.” “Word for word? This… How can that be possible?”

 aalim could hardly believe what he was hearing. “No matter how concise a lecture is, there’s bound to be conjunctions and connectors, and even though those words improve the flow of the lecture, they don’t add value to the content, so the Brush of Heavenly Impartation never jots them down.” Even the most formidable of teachers could not possibly conduct a lecture where every single word was significant. It was inevitable that some unmeaningful words would be mixed into the lecture. 

This was also why the Brush of Heavenly Impartation would only selectively pick out the crux of the Impartation of Heaven’s Will to record. “It’s indeed true that there are bound to be many meaningless words in an ordinary lecture, but… have you forgotten about that?” Prachi replied in a shaky tone. 

“That?” aalim was stunned for a moment when a thought streaked across his mind. His body immediately stiffened as if a wooden stick as he asked weakly, “Is prachi referring to the ability that only 9-star master teachers possess… Words of Wisdom?” “Indeed. Only Words of Wisdom can induce the Beacon of Heavenly Impartation,” prachi replied. Unable to believe what he was hearing, aalim exclaimed, “B-but… he’s only a 7-star master teacher!”

 He turned his gaze back to the brush in the air and saw the latter writing faster and faster. At this rate, it was already moving so swiftly that afterimages could be seen in its wake. At the same time, the lines of words ferociously swallowed the gathered spiritual energy, seemingly ready to break into the world themselves. “This is too exaggerated! It can’t stop at all!” Feeling as if he had just received ten thousand points of damage, aalim nearly burst into tears.


Chapter 1243: - The Noble vipin

Despite being fellow 7-star master teachers, why was there such a huge gap between the two of them? He had used all his might to squeeze out a few characters from the Brush of Heavenly Impartation, and yet, when it came to the other party, the brush leaped from place to place swiftly as if a leopard, visibly getting more and more excited as it wrote, to the point where it could not even stop itself anymore… Was this really the ability that only 9-star master teachers were capable of, Words of Wisdom? 

Rumor had it that every single sentence and ever word of a 9-star master teacher carried profound wisdom behind it. Putting aside listening to an entire lecture, even a few words from them could benefit one greatly. Even though the young man before him was a talented individual, no matter what, he was still only a 7-star master teacher. So, how could he possibly possess the ability of a 9-star master teacher? 

But if that wasn’t the case, there was no way to explain the Brush of Heavenly Impartation’s sudden breakthrough and outburst! “Let’s see what he has lectured on…” Unable to believe his eyes, aalim immediately began examining the characters written in the air. With just a single look, his body could not help but begin trembling. It would be impossible to comprehend the deepest significance harnessed within the lecture without scanning the characters with his Spiritual Perception, but nevertheless, as a quasi 8-star master teacher, he could still roughly fathom the meaning of those written characters.

 He could feel that those characters harnessed knowledge that was directed toward the very essence of cultivation itself, and with just a glance, he already found himself gradually growing more and more absorbed in them. No, I mustn’t look… Otherwise, I might really just become his student! Biting his tongue to bring back his rationality, aalim quickly closed his eyes.

 If he cultivated according to the method imparted by vipin, that would mean that he had accepted the other party’s guidance, and that would effectively make the young man a half a teacher to him. He was there to challenge vipin to a Master Teacher Confrontation to right his reputation and regain his dignity, not to acknowledge a teacher! 

But… considering how profound this cultivation technique is, if I study it carefully, there’s a good chance that it could become my impetus for a breakthrough to the Grand Dominion realm. Gritting his teeth tightly, the angel and the devil within aalim’s heart began clashing with one another. He did not want to become vipin’s student, but this was a truly valuable opportunity for him to achieve a breakthrough. Such an opportunity was hard to come by, and he had a feeling that he would regret it for life if he allowed this chance to slip through his fingers!

 Deeply conflicted, aalim fell into an internal struggle. “There are around… one thousand, two thousand, three thousand… Forget it, it’s too much trouble to count. In any case, there are more than nine words here. Brush, you don’t have to write anymore.” Not only was the crowd astonished by the sight before them, even vipin was dumbfounded. It had taken a while before he finally recovered. Knowing that he had already won the duel, he turned to prachi and said, “prachi, this duel should be my victory, right?” 

Hearing vipin’s words, prachi’s eyebrows shot up. Despite spurting blood and passing out, aalim only managed to squeeze out nine words. On the other hand, in the blink of an eye, you have already written three thousand words… Ah, no, it has written another two thousand words while I was speaking. Five thousand words… If this isn’t sufficient to be considered a victory, what else can be considered a victory?

 prachi hurriedly nodded. “Of course, you are the victor!” “Thanks.” Heaving a sigh of relief, vipin raised his head and saw that the Brush of Heavenly Impartation was still writing. At this point, there were already more than eight thousand words in the sky. “I said that it’s enough—didn’t you hear me?”

 vipin frowned in displeasure. What the heck is this! Since I told you to stop, you should stop obediently. To keep writing and writing, are you boasting about how fast you are able to write? Seeing that vipin had lost his temper, prachi quickly explained with a bitter smile, “vipin, under the effects of your Words of Wisdom, the Brush of Heavenly Impartation will have to pen down the content of your entire lecture before it is able to rest.” It was not that the brush did not want to stop, but it could not! Words of Wisdom was a truly formidable ability.

 While it was a skill that only 9-star master teachers were capable of, it was not something that all 9- star master teachers were able to pull off. “Is that so? I guess there’s no helping it then.” Scratching his head awkwardly, vipin sighed deeply before waiting patiently. Some time later, the brush in the air finally came to a halt. Completely exhausted by the sheer amount of work it had done, its brush tip was split haggardly, and it looked as if it had done enough work for its entire lifetime. 

“You are finally done…” vipin sighed in exasperation. But right after he spoke those words, the brush struggled up into the air and wrote down a line of characters. They were the words that he had just spoken. “You… Are you doing this on purpose?” vipin’s face darkened. The brush continued writing—Are you doing this on purpose? “…” vipin was on the verge of clawing his hair away. “prachi, look! It’s copying me!” Brush moved again—prachi, look! It’s copying me! 

“This… It might be because vipin said too much earlier, such that it has developed a habit of penning down your every word. As a result, even when you aren’t executing the Impartation of Heaven’s Will, it still moves to record your words,” prachi explained with a twitching mouth. This was also the first time she had seen a situation like this, so she was not too sure. “If that’s the case, I think it would be good for you to put your Brush of Heavenly Impartation away now.

 Otherwise, I fear that it might end up scribbling all over rosaat City,” vipin remarked as he looked at the lines of ten thousand words in the air. Currently, those words had already covered around a half of the massive square. If the Brush of Heavenly Impartation was allowed to continue, it would not be long before the entire sky over rosaat City was dyed black! “You’re right!” Seeing how the words that vipin had just said were being written down, prachi shook her head helplessly.

 She immediately stepped forward to stow the Brush of Heavenly Impartation back into her storage ring, but the latter suddenly jolted wildly before abruptly plummeting from the sky and falling weakly to the ground. “This is…” Anxious, prachi immediately rushed over to take a look. Upon closer examination, her face darkened. “It has fainted from exhaustion!” While the Brush of Heavenly Impartation was neither a Saint-tier artifact nor a Spirit-tier artifact, in order to be able to discern the Impartation of Heaven’s Will spoken by a master teacher, it had to possess some degree of sentience.

 The abrupt overload of profound information from vipin, along with the physical exhaustion from writing so many words, had sapped its energy dry, resulting in it collapsing. “Fainted from exhaustion?” “Such a thing is possible, too?” Hearing prachi’s words, a huge commotion broke out beneath the stage. All the master teachers had looks of shock on their faces, as if they had seen a ghost. 

Usually, it was the master teachers who fainted during the Brush of Heavenly Impartation out of exhaustion from the Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy, and yet… vipin actually managed to make the Brush of Heavenly Impartation faint from exhaustion instead. Was this really happening before them? They could not help but pinch themselves to check if they had imagined everything that had happened before them. 

Pu! In this moment, a spurt of blood showered the sky. Unable to suppress his injuries any longer, aalim fainted as well. He had gone to the extent of expending every last bit of his Soul Depth in order to break his previous record, and yet, with just a seemingly leisurely lecture, vipin actually managed to break his record by more than a thousandfold! More importantly, he even made the Brush of Heavenly Impartation faint out of exhaustion? Could such an existence still be called a human? 

Not even real 9-star master teachers would be as outrageous as him! “vipin, how do you intend to deal with these characters?” prachi swiftly packed the Brush of Heavenly Impartation back into her storage ring before turning her gaze to vipin. Given that those characters had been written from vipin’s Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy, naturally, he possessed ownership over them. 

“This…” vipin looked at the huge accumulation of characters in the sky, and he could not help but feel his head hurt. Those words were so densely packed together that it caused a huge shadow to loom over the square. They would be an eyesore if he left them there. Noticing the conflicted look on vipin’s face, prachi stepped forward and clasped her fist. “From how you were able to induce the Beacon of Heavenly Impartation, causing the Brush of Heavenly Impartation to continue writing non-stop, there’s no doubt that the knowledge harnessed within those words is deeply aligned with the essence of the world.

 If vipin doesn’t mind, I’m willing to use two Saint intermediate-tier artifacts to purchase the characters from you.” As an 8-star master teacher, she knew that those characters in the sky were incredibly valuable. It was no exaggeration to say that they were worth an entire city or even more! “You wish to purchase them?” vipin was taken aback. Those characters could actually be sold? “That’s right.” prachi nodded. 

“Through a unique method, it’s possible to store those characters within a book and study them whenever one wants to.” Despite existing in a tangible form, those characters could be said to be no different from a physical embodiment of the Impartation of Heaven’s Will. As long as a cultivator scanned those words with his Spiritual Perception, they would be able to interpret the knowledge harnessed within it and benefit greatly from it.

 Despite being an 8-star master teacher herself, prachi could sense that the knowledge harnessed within those characters could help her rise to greater heights. As such, putting aside two Saint intermediate-tier artifacts, she would not hesitate to up the stakes if needed to! “prachi is offering to buy those characters with two Saint intermediate-tier artifacts?” “Doesn’t that mean that those characters are literally words of gold?”

 Taking the discussion between the two in, the master teachers beneath the execution platform were utterly stunned. Saint intermediate-tier artifacts were incredibly valuable. There were no more than a couple of them within the entire rosaat Empire. Converted to high-tier spirit stones, they would be worth several ten thousand! To actually offer that much money in exchange for those characters… Granted that it was vipin’s lecture, but it was still a really huge sum to pay for them!

 “Two Saint intermediate-tier artifact?” vipin hesitated for a moment before eventually shaking his head, rejecting prachi’s offer. He usually relied on his strength and wits in order to defeat others. In comparison, his weapons seemed to play a smaller role. Not to mention, he already had the Golden Origin Cauldron, so any more Saint intermediatetier artifacts would be unnecessary.

 Seeing vipin reject her offer, prachi quickly replied, “vipin, I am willing to negotiate the price with you if you find my offer inadequate. If two Saint intermediate-tier artifacts aren’t enough… what do you think of three?” “It’s not about your offer.” vipin shook his head. He swept through the crowd with his gaze before speaking with a resounding voice. 

“sultan has committed many reprehensible deeds in his time, and he deserves the fate that befell him. Even though those deeds were orchestrated by the Otherworldly Demonic Tribe, there’s no doubt that our Master Teacher Pavilion was somewhat responsible for this matter. “Despite serving as the guardians of mankind, we allowed the Otherworldly Demons to infiltrate our ranks and cause harm to our brethren.

 It’s fortunate that we managed to stop sultan in time before he could conduct his depraved ritual, but it’s still a fact that our lapse in duty endangered countless innocent lives in rosaat City. “As such, in order to make up for our mistake, I would like to donate this Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy to rosaat City as a show of repentance from our Master Teacher Pavilion. We will right where we have erred and reflect on where we have failed!” 

“This…” “He’s actually giving such valuable characters to us?” “That is worth three Saint intermediate-tier artifact! To gift it to us just like that…” Hearing vipin’s decision, the eyes of the civilians of rosaat City reddened. To view money as if it was nothing more than dirt, giving them the characters that were easily worth three Saint intermediate-tier artifacts without much hesitation… He was a true master teacher! “Actually, the matter concerning Vice Pavilion Master  reyansh and sultan has already left me a little doubtful about the competency of the Master Teacher Pavilion.

 However, after hearing vipin’s words, my trust in the Master Teacher Pavilion has been restored!” “Indeed. Without their protection, there’s no way we could have lived in peace for so many years. Perhaps, we might even have fallen under the treacherous schemes of sultan and lost our lives.” … While the crowd of rosaat City had not said anything, the problems that had surfaced one after another in recent days had really left them a little disappointed in the competency of the Master Teacher Pavilion. 

After all, the betrayal of a vice pavilion master and an emperor of a Conferred Empire was no laughing matter. Yet, the Master Teacher Pavilion had been oblivious to something as huge as this for such a long period of time. Inevitably, they had started to question the Master Teacher Pavilion’s leadership internally. However, the display of magnanimity from vipin reassured them that the Master Teacher Pavilion was still devoted to its responsibilities and duties, and this had helped to restore public faith in them.

 Hearing the words from the crowd and the agitation on their faces, prachi clasped her fist toward vipin and bowed. “vipin’s magnanimity is truly worthy of praise. I was being too narrow-minded.” She had been thinking of how she should dispel the various adverse consequences of the matter and re-establish the prestige and authority of the Master Teacher Pavilion among the populace. 

However, from the looks of it now, it seemed like there was no need for her to do so anymore. As long vipin was around, the unrest among the populace of rosaat City would be settled easily. In just two short hours, the young man had already effectively become the number one figure of rosaat City, wielding authority incomparable by anyone else there. 

With just a few simple moves, he had already managed to reduce the adverse effects from this incident to the bare minimum. It seemed like the young man did not just possess superior talent. More importantly, his outlook toward matters was also far broader and deeper than others. 

Compared to him, she really had much to learn. “Alright, I shall announce the results of the Master Teacher Confrontation now. For the duel of Heavenly Impartation of Mentor’s Calligraphy between aalim and vipin, vipin is the victor!” prachi declared loudly, her voice sounding across the entire capital. 

“Wonderful!” “Great!” “I knew that vipin would win!” Loud cheers broke out throughout the capital. Not expecting vipin to receive the admiration of so many people within such a short period of time, the awoken aalim’s face paled. “You all…” After announcing the results, prachi turned to vipin and asked, “vipin, since you have achieved victory… may I know how you intend to deal with aalim?” 


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